A Pop Life Panel

The A Pop Life Panel consists of a varying number of persons, dedicated to bringing you articles backed by multiple Prince afficianados. And yes, the articles are about Prince.

Most commented posts

  1. Prince – The 25 best live bootlegs! — 15 comments
  2. Prince – The 15 best albums! — 8 comments
  3. Prince – The 15 best guitar solos! — 6 comments
  4. Prince -The 15 best remixes! — 2 comments
  5. Prince 1958-2016: 5 years later — 2 comments

Author's posts

Prince – The 15 most beautiful covers!

Prince - The 15 Most Beautiful Covers Header (apoplife.nl)

This time the A Pop Life panel pondered the question which Prince cover was the most beautiful of them all and came up with the ultimate list!

Prince – The 15 best guitar solos!

Prince - 15 Best Guitar solos - Header (apoplife.nl)

This time the A Pop Life panel pondered the question which Prince guitar solo was the best of them all and came up with the ultimate list!

Prince – The 15 best albums!

Prince - 15 Best Albums - Header (apoplife.nl)

This time the A Pop Life panel pondered the question which Prince album was the best of them all and came up with the ultimate list!

Prince 1958-2016: 5 years later

Prince IM 5 years (apoplife.nl)

How does the A Pop Life Panel view 5 years without Prince? Six personal memories, stories and impressions!

Prince -The 15 best remixes!

Prince - 15 Best Remixes - Header (apoplife.nl)

This time the A Pop Life panel pondered the question which Prince remix was the best of them all and came up with the ultimate list!

Prince – The 15 best B-sides!

Prince - 15 Best B-sides - Header (apoplife.nl)

This time the A Pop Life panel pondered the question which Prince B-side was the best of them all. Bram, Edward, Erwin, Herman, Leon, Rick en Vincent went to work and came up with the ultimate list!

Prince – The 25 best live bootlegs!

The A Pop Life panel has pondered the question which Prince performances resulted in the best live bootlegs. Bram, Edward, Erwin, Leon en Vincent went to work and came up with the ultimate list!