Edward Gubbels

Massive Prince fan since 1981's Controversy. Living in Amsterdam. Favourite cat# 925677.

Most commented posts

  1. Black Album (by guest author Edward) — 1 comments

Author's posts

Black Album (by guest author Edward)

Prince - The Black Album - Header (Edward Gubbels)

Some 35 years ago, a mysterious record was waiting to see the light of day. But it never happened…

A Real Thing (by guest author Edward)

The Real Thing (Edward Gubbels)

Guest author Edward returns to A Pop Life withe great story about documentaries, music and tolerance. Highly recommended!

Prince 1995 Ultimate Live Experience in Holland (by guest author Edward)

Prince, Brabanthallen, Den Bosch, Holland, 1995 (nme.com)

Personal memories of the 4 ‘Ultimate Live Experience’ shows Prince staged in 1995 in Den Bosch and Amsterdam. A magical time for Prince music lovers!