Altın Gün & Metropole Orkest, 10/01/2020

Concert information

Artist Altın Gün & Metropole Orkest
Tour name  
Date 01-10-2020
Venue Koninklijk Theater Carré
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands


Once again, this wasn’;t a partuclalry good show by the band (also see the review of 11/28/2019. The cooperation with the Metropole Orkest and the special ambiance (due to corona measures only 250 people were granted access to Carré) couldn’t inspire the band. But, once again, the audience didn’t seem to mind, but I didn’t feel it. No more Altın Gün for me.


Şad olup gülmedim / Yali Yali / Vay Dünya / Anlatmam Derdimi / Ervah-ı Ezelde / Kolbastı / Köroğlu Dağları / Ordunun Dereleri / Kara Toprak / Derdimi Dökersem / Yekte / Süpürgesi Yoncadan / Goca Dünya / Çiçekler Ekiliyor

Concert ticket

Altin Gun 01-10-2020 Concertkaartje (

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