Fırat Tanış, 12/14/2019

Concert information

Artist Fırat Tanış
Tour name Gelin Tanış Olalım
Date 12/14/2019
Venue Luxor Theater
City Rotterdam
Country The Netherlands


From the very first kick on the bekir it was obvious that tonight was going to be a great musical night. Accompanied by 4 musicians, who produced an impressive sound collage and played with real dedication, Tanış told his tale, in Turkish (of course). Even though I can understand the spoken language reasonably well, this time I didn’t quite understand. Poetry differs greatly from regular speech.

The difference between tonight and the week before, the dreadful Sibel Can concert, was huge. Beautiful, intimate and meaningful tonight set against the empty hollow phrasing the week before. Unbelievable that the venue wasn’t even half full. Perhaps because of the subject matter, freedom and the political image that comes with in particular.

A missed opportunity for many. Zühâl had a great night. So did I, though unfortunatley the languagae barrier did play a part.



Concert ticket

Firat Tanis 12/14/2019 Concertkaartje (

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