Fleetwood Mac, 10/07/2013

Concert information

Artist Fleetwood Mac
Tour name Fleetwood Mac Live 2013 
Date 10/07/2013
Venue Ziggo Dome
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands


Good professional show and it’s indescribable how good Lindsay Buckingham is!


Second Hand News / The Chain / Dreams / Sad Angel / Rhiannon / Not That Funny / Tusk / Sisters of the Moon / Sara / Big Love / Landslide / Never Going Back Again / Without You / Gypsy / Eyes of the World / Gold Dust Woman / I’m So Afraid / Stand Back / Go Your Own Way

World Turning / Don’t Stop

Encore 2:
Silver Springs / Say Goodbye

Concert ticket

20131007 Fleetwood Mac

Compliments/remarks? Yes, please!