LCD Soundsystem, 05/04/2010

Concert information

Artist LCD Soundsystem
Tour name  
Date 05/04/2010
Venue Paradiso
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands


My sister Mirja and me thought it would be a great idea to combine visiting this concert with the official Dodenherdenking (tribute to all victims of war, and WWII in particular) at Dam Square. Of all the memorials, this had to be the one that had the ‘Damschreeuwer’ (Dam shouter) in the crowd. After the panic that ensued, and the crowd running en masse towards us, we went off to a sold-out Paradiso to witness one of the best bands of all time. Truly stunning!


Us v Them / Get Innocuous! / Pow Pow / Daft Punk Is Playing at My House / Yr City’s a Sucker / Drunk Girls / All I Want / All My Friends / I Can Change / Tribulations / Movement / Yeah (Crass Version) / North American Scum

Someone Great / Losing My Edge

Encore 2:
Home / New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down

Concert ticket

20100504 LCD Soundsystem

Compliments/remarks? Yes, please!