The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 08/26/1989

Concert information

Artist The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tour name Mother’s Milk 
Date 08/26/1989
Venue De Dam
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands
Remarks Concert during the Uitmarkt; first ever concert with John Frusciante


Astrid Joosten was supposed to introduce the band and thought it was a good idea to lecture the audience like school children and was being booed. The band caught on quickly and started playing while mrs Joosten was still talking. Top mini concert!


Out in L.A. / Backwoods / Subway to Venus / Magic Johnson / Castles Made of Sand / Subterranean Homesick Blues / Good Time Boys / We Got the Biggest Cocks / Mommy, Where’s Daddy? / Bullet Proof

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