The A Pop Life Panel, which reconvenes twice a year, contemplated on the subject for the next article. Following Prince – The 25 best live bootlegs!, Prince – The 15 best B-sides!, Prince – The 15 best remixes!, Prince 1958-2016: 5 years later and Prince – The 15 best albums!, this is the list containing the 15 best guitar solos!
Why a top 15?
In 2019 the A Pop Life Panel published the first article Prince – The 25 best live bootlegs!. Both the compilation and the many positive reactions and comments made us decide to undertake the same process many times after. This is episode 6 (!) already. As a tribute to Prince the guitar player we picked the best guitar solos.
Bram, Edward, Leon, Rick and me went to work with great zeal and compiled our own personal top 15. Before going to the list, some remarks:
With pride and sincere gratitude to the A Pop Life Panel, these are Prince’s 15 guitar solos!

Prince – Paard van Troje (?) 1988
1. Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
Bram |
Perfection does exist… I always thought this was a Stones song. Now I don’t know any better than: this is a Prince song. |
Edward |
And yet another track from the Trojan Horse boot: Prince’s epic rendition of Just My Imagination by The Temptations from 1971 in this set is remarkable, with a compelling and screeching guitar solo of no less than 4 minutes. Prince at his physical and artistic peak. His confidence and showmanship have never been more evident than here. Simply stunning. |
Erwin |
The build is perfect. One of the most beloved guitar solo’s among Prince connaisseurs. Pure emotion, beautiful! |
Leon |
If a tie for first place were possible, this track would share the spot with Purple Rain. Legendary, especially the build-up of the solo… from soft to hard, from high to low, a cascade of notes that swirl like a river and roll like the surf, coming to a climax. Fantastic recording too. For me this is Prince in full, casually playful and I think he’s really enjoying what comes out of his hands… and just playing that after a regular concert… unbelievable. |
Rick |
This one is from the aftershow at The Trojan Horse. This is the best version of Just My Imagination that Prince or anyone else has ever played. The solo starts off slow and builds up to an incredible climax. One of the longest solos on my list, but it’s never boring, not even for a second, it’s quite the the opposite: you just want more! |

Prince – Motherless Child
2. Motherless Child
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance)
Bram |
Everything you can do with a guitar, I think, happens here. This song gives me so much joy, I could cry. It is that good. This is part of a fantastic set from Spanish television. Rumour has it that prior to this mini concert, there were some tensions between Prince and the ‘TV people’. The frustration that ensued probably put him on edge. |
Edward |
While visiting the television program Séptimo of the Spanish TV channel 2-TVE on November 22, 1999, Prince plays a 40-minute mini concert. Including this version of Motherless Child, a traditional from 1850 that Prince manages to alter into a great emotional opus with phenomenal guitar work outs, driven by some very strong vocals, and all this to the beat of Love Thy Will Be Done. Larry Graham plays a wonderful game of bass during this performance, which should not be left unmentioned. |
Erwin |
The passion Prince portrays in this performance is unparalleled. If there ever was a time that a musician was truly one with his instrument, it was Prince on this day, with this performance. The sounds he and his guitar produce here are truly incomprehensible! |
Leon |
For the people who know Prince from Raspberry Beret and The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, Kiss… who have no idea that he is also a good guitarist who actually masters all styles… even a bit of metal… listen to this performance and you immediately understand Prince fans who get angry when someone says: “Prince… he doesn’t play the guitar, he just sings very high”. In addition to the ripping and racing solos, Larry Graham’s thick stomping bass makes the song complete and delightfully and heavy. |
Rick |

Prince – The Undertaker
3. The Ride
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
Bram |
Edward |
The Undertaker is an unreleased Prince album and was recorded live in one take during a rehearsal on June 14, 1993 at Paisley Park Studios. A CD release was planned as a bonus to the Guitar World magazine in November 1994, with a circulation of 700.000 copies (if we are to believe Prince, in a 1995 interview). The official reading, however, I believe is still 1.000 copies. Warner Brothers soon got wind of the project and immediately blocked its release. The first batch of CDs that Prince had already produced himself had to be withdrawn immediately to provide all copies with a plastic layer, making them unplayable; some are playable though, despite the coating. Making this yet another real opportunity for the Prince fanatic to track down this historic disc, after the withdrawn Black Album from December 1987. Some say that specifically this veto of WB decided Prince to only do public appearances with the word “Slave” written on his cheek.
Alright, what about its contents? The Undertaker is considerably outside the box of the friendly pop/rock genre in which area Prince had normally been moving about until then, barring a few wild outings. It robustly leans towards the blues, although the guitar solos (and there are quite a few) often move outside the boundaries of traditional blues riffs: sometimes flowing, sometimes epic, sometimes ripping, sometimes distorted madness. Perhaps that is why it’s so attractive, it certainly is 36 minutes like you’ve never heard Prince before. Scotty, shake some indeed!
The Ride: the opener of the CD is incredibly exciting, constructive and invigorating. With great bass accompaniment by Sonny T and the tight drumming by Michael B. Prince’s voice was not optimal that night, perhaps that is why he doesn’t sing as much, with mainly his purple symbol guitar doing all the work. I deliberately chose this 11 minute version, drawn from The Undertaker CD because the guitar work continues to scream delightfully around your ears. The live versions of the concerts and aftershows from that era usually are done after only 5 minutes, as does the officially released live version on Crystal Ball (1998). So let’s not do that then. |
Erwin |
Blues, The Ride never sounded like this before (or after). The guitar literally weeps. |
Leon |
The whole gig is a string of guitar work, if there was a list of best complete gigs, this would be my number 1. How pure. Dummer, bassist and Prince on guitar (because he just can’t play it all at the same time live), how well this fits together and how strong this song is. Probably also written from a thought of making a great guitar stunner, definitely guitar in the lead. For me especially the calm solo at the end is a feast for the ear, a lot on the wah pedal and in my eyes freestyling and simply having fun. |
Rick |

Prince – Lovesexy Tour
4. Lovesexy (Feel U Up jam)
June 1988, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis (rehearsal)
Bram |
Prince goes to extremes here. “To boldly go where no one has gone before!” they used to say in Star Trek. And that’s a nice bridge, because this is just outerworldly…
Questlove once told in an interview he used to play this one over and over again in his car, every morning when he took the kids to school. He made his wife and children obligated to listen. If this is a true story, no more than rightfully so. I wish I would have done the same. |
Edward |
Erwin |
I love the way the guitar enters the song at 02:13. It’s almost like it’s a competition between Prince and his guitar, which must be tamed. Add to that the starts and stops, phenomenal. “Fuck it up!” |
Leon |
Rick |

Prince tijdens Lovesexy tour 1988/1989
5. Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
Bram |
When I play my Paard CD, I am eagerly waiting for this moment. That fuzz, or whatever it is, is irresistible. |
Edward |
A track from THE bootleg that sets the bar: a most essential classic in any serious Prince collection. If you don’t have this one, then just go for a bike ride, after an hour we’ll be done cursing. With phenomenal sound quality, especially for a bootleg, this was the talk of the town in the fanatic Prince community in the early 90s. With some confidence I can state: the best thing Prince has ever entrusted to the nighttime hours, this performance in our own Trojan Horse in The Hague. The setlist that evening consists of long improvised jams, stunning blues/jazz covers, effortlessly mixed with completely new renditions of a few of his own classics.
The embryo version of Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, being the closing track of his nightly appearance at Trojan Horse, lasts for a staggering 16 minutes (!). Starting off as a fairly simple straightforward yet funky jam, in which he asks the audience to ‘rave’ along, the track seems to end after about 10 minutes. However, there are still a few encores to arise with hard as hell, killer guitar solos, which Carlos Santana or Jimi Hendrix would be proud of. Truly awesome! Legendary! |
Erwin |
Great solo in this, at the time, unpublished and unknown song. Prince improvises to the max and just keeps on going. Highlight! |
Leon |
Rick |

Prince – Manchester 2014
6. Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
3rdEyeGirl YouTube account (recorded live on 02/22/2014, Manchester Academy, Manchester)
Bram |
This version grabs me by the throat every time. There is so much emotion in this short clip, I just can’t get enough of it to watch and listen to it over and over again. The crowd participation in this song is so overwelming and the magnificent guitar solo is pure bliss. The only pity is, I had to skip the 14 minute rehearsal version from 1984 from this list… And that really says a lot… In whatever version, this song always has a melancholy that pleases me enormously. |
Edward |
Erwin |
In 2014 Prince still played like a true champ. By now, the guitar had turned into the ultimate extension. Pure excitement. |
Leon |
So this is typical Prince, of a song that doesn’t have a guitar solo and a completely different vibe, making a different version live with a very solid guitar solo. The solo is preceded by a screaming Prince and actually the solo just continues this scream. |
Rick |

Prince – Live 1985
7. Temptation
Studio version (Around The World In A Day album)
Bram |
Edward |
Ehm yes, maybe you weren’t expecting this, but this remains a big favorite of mine: Temptation, the last track from the 1985 album Around The World In A Day. I still remember buying the record the day it came out: luckily I was not expecting a Purple Rain part II. No, I wanted to be surprised, I wanted to be sort of carried along with his journey… and boy, this is just the record to do that! Often cited as Prince’s Sgt. Pepper, it takes you on some trip indeed. Experimental, multi-coloured, psychedelic, hallucinogenic to name a few words to describe that very record. And the closing track Temptation fulfills the role of 8 minutes pure exaggerated insanity. Prince never sounded more bombastic as on this track (in the studio, I mean), with ripping guitars, frenzied drums and vocals flying in all directions. Includes a dialogue with God (used in the Purple Rain tour) in which the latter briefly explains the difference between love and sex. So, all the ingredients for a successful tune (meant ironically). Still, holy & blissful! |
Erwin |
Leon |
Rick |
What makes a first impression will stick with you. Around The World In A Day was my first Prince album. Temptation is a weird rock song. It’s not his best-known guitar track. I don’t think it ever made a set list for a concert either. I don’t know if a live version of this song exists. A live version of this song would have been a must for the guitar freaks. But this studio solo, which starts at 3:30, is a true gem. It is perhaps his most filthy and underrated solo. |

Prince – Live 2002
8. Joy In Repetition
Live version (One Nite Alone… The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over album, recorded on 04/10/2002, The World, New York)
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
One of my favorite songs ever, played by the fantastisc band that accompanied Prince in 2002. But, as usual, it’s Prince that steals the show with his inimitable solo. Perfection! |
Leon |
Rick |
Just like Empty Room, I occasionally come across new live versions of Joy in Repetition. But this official release is the best version I’ve come across so far. This song is always good for a flaming guitar solo. This version contains two solos at 2:52 and 7:35. The second one is my favourite. |

Prince – Montreux 2009
9. Empty Room
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert)
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
Very good show from start to finish. Empty Room is such a typical Prince song, calmly constructive, processing heartbreak and expressing the pain of loss in a solo. The best thing about this performance is that there is also an image… his hands in close-up sliding over the strings. What beautiful music those hands have made! |
Rick |
From time to time new live versions I never heard before appear on YouTube. This is an example of that. The solo in this version is in my opinion the best I have heard so far. The solo in this insanely beautiful song is so melodic and emotionally played. |

Prince – Live 1979
10. Bambi
Studio version (Prince album)
Bram |
Edward |
The absolute showstopper of Prince’s second LP from 1979. Just like I’m Yours on the For You album (1978), the only rock song on the record. It seems, he stuck to a certain formula at that time, I guess not to be placed in any specific box by the critics. I specifically chose the 1979 studio version because of the high spontaneity that version entails, and which later live renditions sometimes lack.
The story of Bambi: Normally Prince always gets the girl, but here lies a challenge of a different kind: Prince tries to get Bambi, a lesbian, doing it with a man. Supported by a strong thick guitar sound and still quite funny when you consider he’s attempting to convince her with such a high falsetto voice. Anyway, LHBT issues were not yet on the political agenda at the time compared to today, shall we say. Wouldn’t you like to try it with a man, Prince? Seems like a fun movie to me. |
Erwin |
Leon |
2nd album by a very young Prince, with a track that blows him into the ranks of the great guitarists, as far as I’m concerned. Played a lot live and especially for a long time. I think it already sounds raw and aggressive on CD, let alone live. The anger aimed at a girl in electrically amplified form. |
Rick |

Prince – Purple Rain live 1985
11. Purple Rain
Prince & The Revolution Live! video (recorded on 03/30/1985, Carrier Dome, Syracuse)
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
It’s the #1 song for me, the #1 solo, the #1 performance. The whole song builds up to a solo that just goes on and on and when it’s over you just listen again. On several moments you see and hear that everything is completely coming together. Also legendary is the guitar change, for the real thing the Cloud comes on stage. Wonderfully screeching high notes and when you think it can’t get any higher and more screeching, another wave is coming. |
Rick |
No doubt his most famous solo and greatest hit. There are plenty of live versions to be found. This is my favourite because I’ve known this version for so long. At this point in time Prince is the brand new world star, and he is not tired of playing Purple Rain yet. This Purple Rain solo is still on fire. |

Prince – Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 2004
12. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
03/15/2004, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (TV performance)
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
I think the solo is legendary mainly because Prince is not on stage here as Prince, but simply as the guitarist of a band. In the background all the time but then the solo: everyone is impressed… perfectly played, emotional and above all very tough. Guitar in the air and walking off stage as if you just slathered a peanut butter sandwich. He came, he saw and he conquered. |
Rick |
Perhaps it is a bit cliché to choose this solo. But it deserves a place in the top 15 for nostalgic reasons alone. Prince and Tom Petty have passed, but their music has made them immortal. Music is a time machine that brings back memories. And of course it’s a fantastic solo. |

Prince – Sister Dortmund 09-09-1988
13. Sister
Lovesexy Live video (recorded on 09/09/1988, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund)
Bram |
One of the many “blow my socks off” moments during this show. It turns out that Prince even can play punk music. And it suits him fine! The transition from Jack U Off/It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)/Twelve to Sister is truly masterful. |
Edward |
Erwin |
My beloved Lovesexy tour already had its fair share of guitar bliss, but here Prince shifts into 100th gear. Punky, heavy, fgast and yet another perfect solo. An unforgettable moment in the show. |
Leon |
Rick |

Prince – Bambi Tokyo 1990
14. Bambi
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
Bram |
There are so many damn good versions of this Prince-rock-song of all Prince-rock-songs, what makes choosing one is really hard. His performance, of a somewhat more recent date, at the Jimmy Fallon Late Night from 2013 is also one that immediately comes to mind. But for sentimental reasons, the choice was made for the Nude version. I can still remember my first spin at Erwin’s house. I fell off the couch when I listened to it… I think Erwin was already stretched on the floor just after he had pressed the play button on his CD player. I didn’t see this superior audio quality coming! And least of all, this brilliant performance. Until this day, my butt still hurts a bit from that fall… |
Edward |
Erwin |
When I heard this for the very first time, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. That sound, the guitar roar, the sound! And with that band. From the very first moment I heard this it has been an all-time favorite. |
Leon |
Rick |

Prince – The Question Of U Tokyo 1990
15. The Question Of U
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
Bram |
That screeching sound at 2 minute 29 when he slides over that guitarstring does it every time for me… Goosebumps! |
Edward |
Erwin |
Short solo, but indescribably beautiful! The way the guitar is played/attacked is impressive. The full sound is moving in itself. Pure bliss. |
Leon |
Rick |
Most times the live solos of this song stay close to the album version. They start melodic with a nice build up to the climax. This solo is no exception. But this live performance does have that nice raw edge to it compared to the studio version. |
Interpretation and justification
So, there it is: the 15 best Prince guitar solos according to the A Pop Life Panel. Of course, there are things to be said about the list.

Prince – 15 best guitar solos – Graph Year
Two years stand out: 1988 and 1994. The major difference lies in the number of nominations that ended up in the end Top 15 list. 80% of the 1988 nominations ended up in the ultimate list, where none of the 1994 nominations made the list. So, 1988 is the ultimate purveyor of the list, immediately followed by 1985 and 1990.

Prince – 15 best guitar solos – Graph Decade
It’s funny to see that from then 1980s onwards the number of nominations is inversely proportional to the number of entries in the ultimate Top 15 list. It’s remarkable as well that most of the nominations stem from the 2000s.
Given the nominations and recordings in the list the 1980s were the most successful: 55% of the nominations ended up in the ultimate list. Followed by the 1970s: 50%, the 1990s: 30%, the 2000s; 20% and the 2010s: 17%.
As can be seen in the complete list below, number 1 is undisputed. The difference between the number 1 and 2 is 19 (!) points. Of all the 46 nominated songs just 1 was nominated by all list providers.
Of all compilers, 67% of Erwin’s nominations ended up in the Top 15, followed by Bram and Leon (53%), Rick (47%) and Edward (40%). Leon’s personal top 7 is part of the ultimate list, followed by Bram (top 6) and Erwin (top 5). Remarkably, the 1st nominations of both Edward and Rick didn’t make the ultimate list.
The following songs have been nominated twice in different versions:
- Beautiful Strange (2005 and 2011)
- Days Of Wild (1999 and 2002)
- Santana medley (two consecutive days in 1994)
- Shhh (2003 and 2008)
- Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) (1985 and 2014)
- The Ride (1993 and 1994)
The song Bambi has been nominated in 3 (!) different versions: the 1979 studio version and 2 live versions, dating from 1990 and 1993. The first two versions can be found in the ultimate Top 15 list.
The complete list
For everyone that just can’t get enough, below the complete list, sorted by the number of points, year of release/performance and song title, can be viewed. Click the text below to show the complete list.
Song |
Version |
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
Rick |
Total |
Just My Imagination |
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow) |
13 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
13 |
65 |
Motherless Child |
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance) |
12 |
8 |
15 |
11 |
46 |
The Ride |
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis) |
14 |
10 |
13 |
37 |
Lovesexy (Feel U Up jam) |
June 1988, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis (rehearsal) |
14 |
14 |
28 |
Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic |
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow) |
11 |
13 |
3 |
27 |
Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) |
3rdEyeGirl YouTube account (recorded live on 02/22/2014, Manchester Academy, Manchester) |
15 |
5 |
7 |
27 |
Temptation |
Studio version (Around The World In A Day album) |
10 |
12 |
22 |
Joy In Repetition |
Live version (One Nite Alone… The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over album, recorded on 04/10/2002, The World, New York) |
11 |
9 |
20 |
Empty Room |
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert) |
10 |
10 |
20 |
Bambi |
Studio version (Prince album) |
7 |
12 |
19 |
Purple Rain |
Prince & The Revolution Live! video (recorded on 03/30/1985, Carrier Dome, Syracuse) |
15 |
4 |
19 |
While My Guitar Gently Weeps |
03/15/2004, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (TV performance) |
9 |
7 |
16 |
Sister |
Lovesexy Live video (recorded on 09/09/1988, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund) |
9 |
6 |
15 |
Bambi |
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording) |
3 |
12 |
15 |
The Question Of U |
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording) |
5 |
2 |
8 |
15 |
Bambi |
The Undertaker (video, recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis) |
15 |
15 |
The Love We Make |
09/13/2009, Salle Garnier, Monaco (concert) |
15 |
15 |
Instrumental Jam |
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow) |
14 |
14 |
Santana medley |
06/10/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert) |
8 |
6 |
14 |
All The Critics Love U In New York |
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert) |
6 |
7 |
13 |
Alexa De Paris |
Studio version (B-side of Mountains single) |
11 |
11 |
Beautiful Strange |
07/26/2011, Melkweg, Amsterdam (aftershow) |
11 |
11 |
What Did I Do? |
06/15/1987, New Morning, Paris (aftershow) |
10 |
10 |
Peach |
11/24/1995, MTV awards (TV performance) |
9 |
9 |
Noon Rendezvous |
June 1984, Flying Cloud Drive Warehouse, Minneapolis (rehearsal) |
9 |
9 |
Days Of Wild |
Single version (recorded on 06/18/2002, Centre Molson Theatre, Montreal) |
8 |
8 |
Guitar Jam |
10/29/2002, Le Bataclan, Paris (aftershow) |
8 |
8 |
Play That Funky Music |
Welcome 2 America dvd (recorded live on 04/28/2011, The Forum, Inglewood) |
4 |
4 |
8 |
Whole Lotta Love |
10/29/2002, Le Bataclan, Paris (aftershow) |
7 |
7 |
Colonized Mind |
07/10/2011, North Sea Jazz Festival, Ahoy, Rotterdam (concert) |
6 |
6 |
Boomstratus |
2013 |
6 |
6 |
Interactive/Endorphinmachine |
06/26/1994 VH1 Honors (TV performance) |
5 |
5 |
Santana medley |
06/09/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert) |
5 |
5 |
Creep |
04/26/2008, Coachella Festival, Indio, Empire Polo Field (concert) |
4 |
1 |
5 |
Shhh |
04/26/2008, Coachella Festival, Indio, Empire Polo Field (concert) |
5 |
5 |
I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man |
Sign O’ The Times movie (recorded in 1987) |
4 |
4 |
Purple House |
Rave Un2 The Year 2000 DVD (recorded live on 12/18/1999, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis) |
3 |
3 |
Shhh |
10/17/2003, Tamar Site Admirality, Hong Kong (concert) |
3 |
3 |
Dreamer |
Studio version (Lotusflow3r album) |
3 |
3 |
I’m Yours |
Studio version (For You album) |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) |
04/07/1985, Orange Bowl, Miami (rehearsal) |
2 |
2 |
The Ride |
06/08/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert) |
2 |
2 |
Beautiful Strange |
3121 Radio audio stream (recorded live in March 2006, 3121 Antelo Rd., Los Angeles) |
2 |
2 |
Redhead Stepchild |
06/16/2006, Good Morning America (TV performance) |
2 |
2 |
Days Of Wild |
NPGMC Ahdio show #1 (recorded live on 10/23/1999, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis) |
1 |
1 |
Fantasic Voyage |
Welcome 2 America dvd (recorded live on 04/28/2011, The Forum, Inglewood) |
1 |
1 |
The individual lists
All lists come with personal commentary, remarks and memories. All lists are enclosed below. Click on one or more lines below.
Bram’s top 15 Prince guitar solos

Prince – Sign O’ The Times movie 1987
“Turn the guitar up Scottie!” Prince and (his best) guitar solos. Assignment: choose 15. I immediately think of live performances. Prince live always has that little extra, you see. And certainly when playing guitar! This list contains tracks that primarily come to mind. Some have been with me for a long time, which makes a lot of sense. I cherish them. The special thing is, had the assignment been limited to ‘studio songs’, the list would have looked very differently… But luckily Erwin gave us carte blanche so we could choose whatever we want. That’s the great thing about Prince and his music: no song ever stood ‘still’ (by that I mean: a studio song that doesn’t contain a single guitar, can have a great solo as a live performance). Unfortunately, because of this huge pool of songs we can choose from, I’ve had to let go of some great, great titles. For example (just to name a view): Sign ‘O The Times, Play In The Sunshine, Electric Chair, Let’s Go Crazy, Erotic City (rehearsal), I’m Yours, The Ride, Colonized Mind, I Like It There, etc. etc. etc. But hey, that’s the challenge of this ‘game’. Hopefully one day these tremendous good songs will appear in another top 15. For now, and they were the words of a wise man with a guitar around his neck, “let the games begin”…
- Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) 3rdEyeGirl
3rdEyeGirl YouTube account (recorded live on 02/22/2014, Manchester Academy, Manchester)
This version grabs me by the throat every time. There is so much emotion in this short clip, I just can’t get enough of it to watch and listen to it over and over again. The crowd participation in this song is so overwelming and the magnificent guitar solo is pure bliss. The only pity is, I had to skip the 14 minute rehearsal version from 1984 from this list… And that really says a lot… In whatever version, this song always has a melancholy that pleases me enormously.
- Lovesexy (Feel U Up jam)
June 1988, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis (rehearsal)
Prince goes to extremes here. “To boldly go where no one has gone before!” they used to say in Star Trek. And that’s a nice bridge, because this is just outerworldly…
Questlove once told in an interview he used to play this one over and over again in his car, every morning when he took the kids to school. He made his wife and children obligated to listen. If this is a true story, no more than rightfully so. I wish I would have done the same.
- Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
Perfection does exist… I always thought this was a Stones song. Now I don’t knwo any better than: this is a Prince song…
- Motherless Child
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance)
Everything you can do with a guitar, I think, happens here. This song gives me so much joy, I could cry. It is that good. This is part of a fantastic set from Spanish television. Rumour has it that prior to this mini concert, there were some tensions between Prince and the ‘TV people’. The frustration that ensued probably put him on edge.
- Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
When I play my Paard CD, I am eagerly waiting for this moment. That fuzz, or whatever it is, is irresistible.
- What Did I Do?
06/15/1987, New Morning, Paris (aftershow)
Sometimes you wonder “where does this guitar solo take me?” Well, to heaven. And the gate to it opens at 6 minute 55… and closes again at 8 minute 55… Too late! The gate is closed again.
- Sister
Lovesexy Live video (recorded on 09/09/1988, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund)
One of the many “blow my socks off” moments during this show. It turns out that Prince even can play punk music. And it suits him fine! The transition from Jack U Off/It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)/Twelve to Sister is truly masterful.
- Guitar Jam
10/29/2002, Le Bataclan, Paris (aftershow)
Paris, October 29, 2002. Me and Herman are on Rue de Voltaire. It’s around 2:00 AM. My wife already gave up and left for the hotel around the corner. But “it ain’t over”, so we’re still going for the next round. Though we’ve had quite a long evening already. One that consisted of a pre- and main show à Le Zenith. Those shows were -again- ridiculously good, of course. Unfortunately, due to the little food, little drink and limited rest, also tiring. It takes a bit of a toll at this time… And mind you: it also turned out to be a very long night; Prince had no desire to go to his hotel yet. It was clear from the start: he wanted to play, play and play again. And also a bit of fooling around: when the band first arrived on stage and on their way with an instrumental piece, Prince arrived shortly after, and is lying flat on the floor, much to the delight of the audience… “I have their attention”, he must have thought. “Stay awake, Bram!” Herman shouts. “That’s a sign that this is going to be legendary”. Turns out, he picked up that omen very well. Because of the fatigue, not everything of this mind blowing aftershow is sharp in my memory, but this is one of those moments that I remember well. This riff and solo immediately entered my brain. They must have chased me for at least another week, “What was that incredible song?” Thank God someone captured this and sent it out into the world, otherwise no one would believe me that this was so phenomenal. Except for Herman, of course.
- Whole Lotta Love
10/29/2002, Le Bataclan, Paris (aftershow)
Prince once said: “I like my rock ‘n roll funky”. That’s probably the reason he chose this fantastic Led Zeppelin song, those guys also have schwung you see. There are plenty of versions to choose from, but the performance on this night was quite vicious.
- All The Critics Love U In New York
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert)
Both shows that night are full of (guitar) highlights. There are just too many to mention. Anyway, every time I see or hear this one, I’m immediately floored and out of oxygen. So, listen at your own risk.
- The Question Of U
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
That screeching sound at 2 minute 29 when he slides over that guitarstring does it every time for me… Goosebumps!
- Play That Funky Music
Welcome 2 America dvd (recorded live on 04/28/2011, The Forum, Inglewood)
This one really got through to me with the Welcome 2 America release. It seems that he played guitar better and better over the years. Oh by the way, during this show he also plays bass (carelessly) for a while… That is for another top 15.
- Bambi
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
There are so many damn good versions of this Prince-rock-song of all Prince-rock-songs, what makes choosing one is really hard. His performance, of a somewhat more recent date, at the Jimmy Fallon Late Night from 2013 is also one that immediately comes to mind. But for sentimental reasons, the choice was made for the Nude version. I can still remember my first spin at Erwin’s house. I fell off the couch when I listened to it… I think Erwin was already stretched on the floor just after he had pressed the play button on his CD player. I didn’t see this superior audio quality coming! And least of all, this brilliant performance. Until this day, my butt still hurts a bit from that fall…
- Redhead Stepchild
06/16/2006, Good Morning America (TV performance)
Mother’s Finest here we come! And I mean that in a positive way! Támar as vocalist and Prince as lead guitarist who plays hardrock. Good combo.
- Days Of Wild
NPGMC Ahdio show #1 (recorded live on 10/23/1999, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
It is just scary, how loud the guitar is in this version. Yet, I have the courage to listen to it. The drum and bass also pound into it. According to The Vault, the original version lasts for 20 minutes… It is the last song of the ahdio show #1, but a fantastic start for the NPGMC ahdio shows.
Edward’s top 15 Prince guitar solos

Prince – Live 1995
When Erwin first suggested a top 15 Prince guitartrax, my first reaction was: nope, no can do, far too difficult. Then, when you start digging in, after a considerable time I might add, it is really fun altogether: raining outside, streaming YouTube videos and concerts to your TV (so, I don’t have to keep poking through my cd collection of Prince boots), listening to numerous live renditions of well-known and lesser known trax… it brought back a lot of fond memories. And that’s what music is supposed to do: building memento.
With my particular top 15, there are no boundaries: live, studio, one-offs, unreleased, hidden gem, anything is possible. However, one restriction though: I thought it would be a nice approach to focus a little more on some of the rather forgotten trax. So, no Purple Rain from Syracuse 1985, no extended Computer Blue, even no 12″ mix Paisley Park or 12″ extended America, all examples of perfect fits for this top 15. But they’ve been highlighted quite enough in previous editions of our top 15. So, no acid coloured rain here to be found. I hope it is still gonna be a nice read for you. And who knows? Maybe you will discover a hidden gem. ENJOY!
- The Love We Make
09/13/2009, Salle Garnier, Monaco (concert)
An absolute favorite for me in the Prince catalog: The Love We Make from the Emancipation set (1996). Every now and then, there is a tune that grabs you by the throat, every time you hear it. The Love We Make is such a song for me. So, the track had to be included in the list, it was only a matter of looking for the best possible version. Although I’ve had this live rendition of Monaco from 2009 in my collection for years, I did notice it again a few months ago through a video on YouTube. This one simply is breathtakingly beautiful: after a 2-minute intro of just the beat, the guitar is already set in place to take you further into this majestic song, highly unusual. It is only after almost 4 minutes in, one can hear Prince vocally for the first time. And after yet another 2 minutes, it really gets on its way with sweeping solos, one after another, lasting for no less than 5 minutes, ending in a distorted finale with feedback à la Hendrix. 11 minutes later you’re on the floor, completely perplexed. It remains a great song, and this is one hell of an amazing performance. Prince’s passion is evident here in every single note, every vocal he utters, every guitar lick. The ripping solos carve their way into your soul.
- The Ride (Undertaker)
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
The Undertaker is an unreleased album and was recorded live in one take during a rehearsal on June 14, 1993 at Paisley Park Studios. A CD release was planned as a bonus to the Guitar World magazine in November 1994, with a circulation of 700.000 copies (if we are to believe Prince, in a 1995 interview). The official reading, however, I believe is still 1.000 copies. Warner Brothers soon got wind of the project and immediately blocked its release. The first batch of CDs that Prince had already produced himself had to be withdrawn immediately to provide all copies with a plastic layer, making them unplayable; some are playable though, despite the coating. Making this yet another real opportunity for the Prince fanatic to track down this historic disc, after the withdrawn Black Album from December 1987. Some say that specifically this veto of WB decided Prince to only do public appearances with the word “Slave” written on his cheek.
Alright, what about its contents? The Undertaker is considerably outside the box of the friendly pop/rock genre in which area Prince had normally been moving about until then, barring a few wild outings. It robustly leans towards the blues, although the guitar solos (and there are quite a few) often move outside the boundaries of traditional blues riffs: sometimes flowing, sometimes epic, sometimes ripping, sometimes distorted madness. Perhaps that is why it’s so attractive, it certainly is 36 minutes like you’ve never heard Prince before. Scotty, shake some indeed!
The Ride: the opener of the CD is incredibly exciting, constructive and invigorating. With great bass accompaniment by Sonny T and the tight drumming by Michael B. Prince’s voice was not optimal that night, perhaps that is why he doesn’t sing as much, with mainly his purple symbol guitar doing all the work. I deliberately chose this 11 minute version, drawn from The Undertaker CD because the guitar work continues to scream delightfully around your ears. The live versions of the concerts and aftershows from that era usually are done after only 5 minutes, as does the officially released live version on Crystal Ball (1998). So let’s not do that then.
- Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
A track from THE bootleg that sets the bar: a most essential classic in any serious Prince collection. If you don’t have this one, then just go for a bike ride, after an hour we’ll be done cursing. With phenomenal sound quality, especially for a bootleg, this was the talk of the town in the fanatic Prince community in the early 90s. With some confidence I can state: the best thing Prince has ever entrusted to the nighttime hours, this performance in our own Trojan Horse in The Hague. The setlist that evening consists of long improvised jams, stunning blues/jazz covers, effortlessly mixed with completely new renditions of a few of his own classics.
The embryo version of Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, being the closing track of his nightly appearance at Trojan Horse, lasts for a staggering 16 minutes (!). Starting off as a fairly simple straightforward yet funky jam, in which he asks the audience to ‘rave’ along, the track seems to end after about 10 minutes. However, there are still a few encores to arise with hard as hell, killer guitar solos, which Carlos Santana or Jimi Hendrix would be proud of. Truly awesome! Legendary!
- Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
And yet another track from the Trojan Horse boot: Prince’s epic rendition of Just My Imagination by The Temptations from 1971 in this set is remarkable, with a compelling and screeching guitar solo of no less than 4 minutes. Prince at his physical and artistic peak. His confidence and showmanship have never been more evident than here. Simply stunning.
- Beautiful Strange
07/26/2011, Melkweg, Amsterdam (aftershow)
Come on, we really need to promote some gigs in our own country, this being the third in line already on my list. And yet another delightful track by Prince that deserves a little more attention: Beautiful Strange. Officially released on Rave In2 The Joy Fantastic (2001), here as a live rendition at the Melkweg (Milky Way)/Amsterdam in the night of July 26, 2011. Prince did visit the Netherlands quite a lot that summer, no less than 6 times (!) (see also Colonized Mind @ North Sea Jazz). The guitar feedback in the beginning of the song doesn’t seem to quite work here I believe, but it remains a great version, in which Prince shows a lot of divers guitar work outs. It’s loads of fun with these banging “strangely beautiful” 11 minutes.
- Temptation
Studio version (Around The World In A Day album)
Ehm yes, maybe you weren’t expecting this, but this remains a big favorite of mine: Temptation, the last track from the 1985 album Around The World In A Day. I still remember buying the record the day it came out: luckily I was not expecting a Purple Rain part II. No, I wanted to be surprised, I wanted to be sort of carried along with his journey… and boy, this is just the record to do that! Often cited as Prince’s Sgt. Pepper, it takes you on some trip indeed. Experimental, multi-coloured, psychedelic, hallucinogenic to name a few words to describe that very record. And the closing track Temptation fulfills the role of 8 minutes pure exaggerated insanity. Prince never sounded more bombastic as on this track (in the studio, I mean), with ripping guitars, frenzied drums and vocals flying in all directions. Includes a dialogue with God (used in the Purple Rain tour) in which the latter briefly explains the difference between love and sex. So, all the ingredients for a successful tune (meant ironically). Still, holy & blissful!
- Peach
11/24/1995, MTV awards (TV performance)
The very first MTV Europe Music Awards took place on November 24, 1994 at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin/Germany, five years after the demise of the Berlin Wall. With a nice intro (track: Let’s Get Funky) as Prince is walking through the halls towards the stage, Tom Jones announces him with only a golden symbol in his hand. In Prince history, we have already arrived in the era he is publicly seen with the word “Slave” written on his cheek. That is most likely the reason he wishes George Michael peace in the opening speech, who, like Prince, is also at loggerheads with his record company. A playful version of Peach follows with various delightful guitar solos, ending with the instrumental coda of Chaos And Disorder. Peach is a song that I simply cannot resist, especially live, a track that certainly knows how to make me live every time. And thus, an absolute must for me in this top 15.
- Motherless Child
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance)
While visiting the television program Séptimo of the Spanish TV channel 2-TVE on November 22, 1999, Prince plays a 40-minute mini concert. Including this version of Motherless Child, a traditional from 1850 that Prince manages to alter into a great emotional opus with phenomenal guitar work outs, driven by some very strong vocals, and all this to the beat of Love Thy Will Be Done. Larry Graham plays a wonderful game of bass during this performance, which should not be left unmentioned.
- Bambi
Studio version (Prince album)
The absolute showstopper of Prince’s second LP from 1979. Just like I’m Yours on the For You album (1978), the only rock song on the record. It seems, he stuck to a certain formula at that time, I guess not to be placed in any specific box by the critics. I specifically chose the 1979 studio version because of the high spontaneity that version entails, and which later live renditions sometimes lack.
The story of Bambi: Normally Prince always gets the girl, but here lies a challenge of a different kind: Prince tries to get Bambi, a lesbian, doing it with a man. Supported by a strong thick guitar sound and still quite funny when you consider he’s attempting to convince her with such a high falsetto voice. Anyway, LHBT issues were not yet on the political agenda at the time compared to today, shall we say. Wouldn’t you like to try it with a man, Prince? Seems like a fun movie to me.
- Colonized Mind
07/10/2011, North Sea Jazz Festival, Ahoy, Rotterdam (concert)
Picture this, the summer of 2011: regular concert, 2x Melkweg at night and another 3x Prince at the North Sea Jazz Festival, Rotterdam. Of which the last 3 in the middle of the night though, because his concerts were added at the last minute, in addition to the other headliners, already occupying all evenings on NSJ. Three nights in a row was a bit too much for my taste, so I chose the middle one, by accident being the best chosen night in terms of tracklistings: the most guitar trax that particular night. Well done, Eddy. The first night was far less exciting and deafening in terms of sound, I was told afterwards. That’s what I was experiencing on the second night as well: the noise was still very loud. Anyway, as I mentioned in 1998 after a concert in Utrecht (December 23): everything sounds better on the bootleg. Incidentally, the three nights @ NSJ stand out in particular because of the quite obscure material being played, too divergent to be labeled as regular concerts.
With Colonized Mind I thought I’d draw attention once again to a lesser-known Prince track. Released in 2009 on the album Lotusflow3r, this being a live version of that 2nd night in Rotterdam in the summer of 2011. You are immediately transported to another emotional place with some distinctive Jimi Hendrix inspired twists on guitar. A wonderful tune, both in this live rendition as well as the studio version on the Lotusflow3r album.
- Santana medley
06/09/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert)
Added to Prince’s setlist since 1994, and a given fixture in his live performances throughout the 1990s, he often paid tribute to one of his guitar heroes with this Santana medley, a medley consisting of four tracks: Jungle Strut, Batuka, Soul Sacrifice and Toussaint L’Overture. Prince once said Santana had a far greater impact on his guitar playing than f.e. Jimi Hendrix (of whom you can read some references in this top 15). I am not quite sure I am seeing it…
At the Miami shows of June 1994, with a highly spontaneous character, Prince only plays new material. The feud with WB is in full swing and Prince cannot be bothered anymore with old material under the Prince moniker. It was a highly creative period nonetheless: loads of new music which also ushered in a new era for the fan. And we enjoyed it to the fullest, no more colored acid rain for a while. So please, try to find this version of the Santana medley on YouTube: Prince is really doing his utmost best to impress with this medley.
- Creep
04/26/2008, Coachella Festival, Indio, Empire Polo Field (concert)
A highly unusual connection: Radiohead and Prince. In 2008 Prince headlines the Coachella festival in California, as he suddenly plays a cover of Radiohead’s track Creep. Although…. according to his bible of abstinence keeping him from swearwords, it became “Liar”; the word “Creep” was never vocalized during this performance. And soon after, everyone was able to admire the ghostly version-that-blows-you-away on various social media. Although… Prince immediately had the video removed “because it could only be fully experienced live”. Thom Yorke, lead singer of Radiohead, called on Prince about a month later to release his performance again “because it’s our song”. As in: who really has the rights here? Death silence on the other side. Although… until seven years later. A superfan put the 8-minute video back online in October 2015, with proven permission from Radiohead. Prince’s official account tweeted a link to the video twice, much to everyone’s surprise. So it was all OK this time around.
That being said, check out his version of Creep. He’s having a blast with his Little Red Fenderette.
- Purple House
Rave Un2 The Year 2000 DVD (recorded live on 12/18/1999, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
Taken from the Rave Un2 The Year 2000 dvd. Beautifully drawn-out version of Hendrix’s classic Red House, which Prince usually renders Purple House. Starts out calm and bluesy but after 7 minutes, it turns into an epic and notable finale.
- Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
04/07/1985, Orange Bowl, Miami (rehearsal)
13 minutes of Prince & The Revolution in rehearsal for the very last concert of the Purple Rain tour. With the wonderfully typical heavy drum parts from that period. Starting out with the slow entry of various instruments, then Eric Leeds honking for minutes on end, followed by Prince taking his (I assume) white Cloud guitar to other heights, for no less than 6 minutes long. This rendition of Something In The Water in no way resembles the sparse version of the 1999 album, as here it has become a solid rock track. By the way, it’s quite funny when you realize that in the afternoon Something In The Water was rehearsed but never played in the concert (btw, never on the Purple Rain tour to my knowledge).
- I’m Yours
Studio version (For You album)
From the 1978 debut For You, this last track of that particular LP is an absolute showstopper: disguised in a Funkadelic jacket, screaming guitar riffs, and his typical falsetto voice. Unfortunately, in some places the vocals do disappear a bit in the mix, especially in the beginning. Still, the song is asswoopingly swinging until the end, tracking in at 5 minutes. And it does stand out, because the rest of the album, on which Prince plays every instrument himself, is pretty clean cut. I expect with the intention of not being labelled as just a new soul artist, or in any other box for that matter. So, listen to an ambitious Prince on this particular track. Not even with fully realized later songwriting talents, after all Prince was only 19 years old, this rock tune already is a clear reference to later tricks which he had up his sleeve. In any case, Prince was quite aware of his surroundings, musically speaking: (guitar)bands such as Van Halen, Aerosmith and Kiss were a big deal in the USA at the time.
A small epilogue: Actually, I had some initial doubts about the song Billy. An unreleased track, improvised during a rehearsal in 1983. Prince teaches the chords of the later released Strange Relationship (1987, Sign O’ The Times) to his band. It is mainly Prince playing some firm guitar for about 45 minutes, with a few improvised lyrics. But at the same time, it is also a bit indefinable in contrast to the 15 songs above. Still, this little footnote for Billy. Maybe it’s a sentimental thing: Billy was on the very first bootleg I bought, back in the late 80’s.
Erwin’s top 15 Prince guitar solos

Prince – Welcome 2 America DVD
Prince and the guitar, an unforgettable combination. And still underrated, although a change is coming. Many of my nominations can be found on the net, so more and more people are able to witness it themselves. To me, prince was not only the best guitar player I ever did see perform, he was alos rthe one who could move me to tears. Alomst every solo conatined some notes that pierced my soul (like the famous Syracuse performance of Purple Rain from 13:40 to 14:02, goosebumps, each and every time). De afwisseling was prachtig. I have mentioned this before on my blog, but I feel truly blessed to have been witness to the creation of this magic many times.
- Motherless Child
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance)
The passion Prince portrays in this performance is unparalleled. If there ever was a time that a musician was truly one with his instrument, it was Prince on this day, with this performance. The sounds he and his guitar produce here are truly incomprehensible!
- Lovesexy (Feel U Up jam)
June 1988, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis (rehearsal)
I love the way the guitar enters the song at 02:13. It’s almost like it’s a competition between Prince and his guitar, which must be tamed. Add to that the starts and stops, phenomenal. “Fuck it up!”
- Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
The build is perfect. One of the most beloved guitar solo’s among Prince connaisseurs. Pure emotion, beautiful!
- Bambi
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
When I heard this for the very first time, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. That sound, the guitar roar, the sound! And with that band. From the very first moment I heard this it has been an all-time favorite.
- Joy In Repetition
Live version (One Nite Alone… The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over album, recorded on 04/10/2002, The World, New York)
One of my favorite songs ever, played by the fantastic band that accompanied Prince in 2002. But, as usual, it’s Prince that steals the show with his inimitable solo. Perfection!
- The Ride (Undertaker)
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
Blues, The Ride never sounded like this before (or after). The guitar literally weeps.
- Noon Rendezvous
June 1984, Flying Cloud Drive Warehouse, Minneapolis (rehearsal)
A guitar solo that helps bring the song’s message across. Moving and subtle, but still heavy. All over the course of one solo!
- Days Of Wild
Single version (recorded on 06/18/2002, Centre Molson Theatre, Montreal)
Such agression, the guitar attacks the eardrums, is unconventional, at times a bit atonal even, but above all exquisite.
- All The Critics Love U In New York
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert)
Prince combines his glorious rhythm guitar playing with otherworldly soloing. This is always too short!
- Sister
Lovesexy Live video (recorded on 09/09/1988, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund)
My beloved Lovesexy tour already had its fair share of guitar bliss, but here Prince shifts into 100th gear. Punky, heavy, fgast and yet another perfect solo. An unforgettable moment in the show.
- Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) 3rdEyeGirl
3rdEyeGirl YouTube account (recorded live on 02/22/2014, Manchester Academy, Manchester)
In 2014 Prince still played like a true champ. By now, the guitar had turned into the ultimate extension. Pure excitement.
- Play That Funky Music
Welcome 2 America dvd (recorded live on 04/28/2011, The Forum, Inglewood)
Or how the predictable Play That Funky Music can sound new and fresh again. The question “Can I play my guitar?” still lingered in the air, when Prince was underway in yet another spine tingling solo!
- Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
Great solo in this, at the time, unpublished and unknown song. Prince improvises to the max and just keeps on going. Highlight!
- The Question Of U
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
Short solo, but indescribably beautiful! The way the guitar is played/attacked is impressive. The full sound is moving in itself. Pure bliss.
- Creep
04/26/2008, Coachella Festival, Indio, Empire Polo Field (concert)
Prince reduces Radiohead’s performance of their song to nothing more than a very early demo for the way the song truly has to be played. Prince outclassses the original with a jealousy inducing ease.
Leon’s top 15 Prince guitar solos

Prince – VH1 Honors 1994
- Purple Rain
Prince & The Revolution Live! video (recorded on 03/30/1985, Carrier Dome, Syracuse)
It’s the #1 song for me, the #1 solo, the #1 performance. The whole song builds up to a solo that just goes on and on and when it’s over you just listen again. On several moments you see and hear that everything is completely coming together. Also legendary is the guitar change, for the real thing the Cloud comes on stage. Wonderfully screeching high notes and when you think it can’t get any higher and more screeching, another wave is coming.
- Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
If a tie for first place were possible, this track would share the spot with Purple Rain. Legendary, especially the build-up of the solo… from soft to hard, from high to low, a cascade of notes that swirl like a river and roll like the surf, coming to a climax. Fantastic recording too. For me this is Prince in full, casually playful and I think he’s really enjoying what comes out of his hands… and just playing that after a regular concert… unbelievable.
- The Ride (Undertaker)
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
The whole gig is a string of guitar work, if there was a list of best complete gigs, this would be my number 1. How pure. Drummer, bassist and Prince on guitar (because he just can’t play it all at the same time live), how well this fits together and how strong this song is. Probably also written from a thought of making a great guitar stunner, definitely guitar in the lead. For me especially the calm solo at the end is a feast for the ear, a lot on the wah pedal and in my eyes freestyling and simply having fun.
- Bambi
Studio version (Prince album)
2nd album by a very young Prince, with a track that blows him into the ranks of the great guitarists, as far as I’m concerned. Played a lot live and especially for a long time. I think it already sounds raw and aggressive on CD, let alone live. The anger aimed at a girl in electrically amplified form.
- Motherless Child
11/22/1999, Séptimo (TV performance)
For the people who know Prince from Raspberry Beret and The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, Kiss… who have no idea that he is also a good guitarist who actually masters all styles… even a bit of metal…listen to this performance and you immediately understand Prince fans who get angry when someone says: “Prince…he doesn’t play the guitar, he just sings very high”. In addition to the ripping and racing solos, Larry Graham’s thick stomping bass makes the song complete and delightfully and heavy.
- Empty Room
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert)
Very good show from start to finish. Empty Room is such a typical Prince song, calmly constructive, processing heartbreak and expressing the pain of loss in a solo. The best thing about this performance is that there is also an image… his hands in close-up sliding over the strings. What beautiful music those hands have made!
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
03/15/2004, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (TV performance)
I think the solo is legendary mainly because Prince is not on stage here as Prince, but simply as the guitarist of a band. In the background all the time but then the solo: everyone is impressed… perfectly played, emotional and above all very tough. Guitar in the air and walking off stage as if you just slathered a peanut butter sandwich. He came, he saw and he conquered.
- Santana medley
06/10/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert)
A very good cover of a song by a good guitarist by an even better one (no disrespect Santana, just a matter of taste), nothing more and nothing less.
- Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) 3rdEyeGirl
3rdEyeGirl YouTube account (recorded live on 02/22/2014, Manchester Academy, Manchester)
So this is typical Prince, of a song that doesn’t have a guitar solo and a completely different vibe, making a different version live with a very solid guitar solo. The solo is preceded by a screaming Prince and actually the solo just continues this scream.
- Boomstratus
Stratus is one of my favorite covers that Prince plays and this is a nice combination with another track. There is something threatening about the solo… but I say: “bring it on!”!
- Interactive/Endorphinmachine
06/26/1994 VH1 Honors (TV performance)
2 songs that express Prince’s mood well during that period: rough, distorted guitar oriented, rebellious, screaming….that’s how I like to see it.
- I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man
Sign O’ The Times movie (recorded in 1987)
This song is so energetic and upbeat and the solo makes it complete. Frivolous, light and effervescent and that while it is about rejecting love, a bit strange but tasty.
- Shhh
10/17/2003, Tamar Site Admirality, Hong Kong (concert)
The wonderful interaction between drummer and guitarist! This song always hits the spot.
- Beautiful Strange
3121 Radio audio stream (recorded live in March 2006, 3121 Antelo Rd., Los Angeles)
On CD a quiet psychedelic song, with a bubbly guitar but in this version nice and rough but it still has a Jimi Hendrix like vibe… a bit akward… therefore: Beautiful Strange!
- Fantasic Voyage
Welcome 2 America dvd (recorded live on 04/28/2011, The Forum, Inglewood)
I couldn’t resist, a bass solo. Prince is just a good base too. Especially a very funky one and in this solo it really comes into its own. Sometimes it seems like he’s having more fun and jamming when he wields the bass, it’s more of a backing instrument… although… not with Prince.
Rick’s top 15 Prince guitar solos

Prince – Live 1986
- Bambi (Undertaker)
The Undertaker video (recorded live on 06/14/1993, Paisley Park Studios, Minneapolis)
In my opinion Bambi is one of Prince’s greatest rock songs. The original version on his second LP was already impressive. But I prefer The Undertaker version. With only bass, drums and guitar, it’s the classic power trio band. The rhythm section is super tight. This solo is a lot longer than the original and a lot heavier, Prince plays it with ease, and it’s very impressive. I used to put this solo on repeat and listened to it over and over again.
A little sidestep, Duff from Guns and Roses covered this song, with Slash on solo guitar.
- Instrumental Jam
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
The bootleg from the aftershow at The Trojan Horse (1988) is one of his best concerts. The show starts with this jam, which is a long improvisation. This is a great example of what makes live music so exciting and unpredictable. Prince is the master of the live jams. The solo of this intro jam, which starts at about 8 minutes in, is amazing. Led in by a freaky Bass solo, Prince goes wild. The drum part played by Sheila E’s stirs everything even more up.
- Just My Imagination
08/18/1988, Paard van Troje, The Hague (aftershow)
This one is also from the aftershow at The Trojan Horse. This is the best version of Just My Imagination that Prince or anyone else has ever played. The solo starts off slow and builds up to an incredible climax. One of the longest solos on my list but is never boring, not even for a second, the opposite you just want more!
- Temptation
Studio version (Around The World In A Day album)
What makes a first impression will stick with you. Around The World In A Day was my first Prince album. Temptation is a weird rock song. It’s not his best-known guitar track. I don’t think it ever made a set list for a concert either. I don’t know if a live version of this song exists. A live version of this song would have been a must for the guitar freaks. But this studio solo, which starts at 3:30, is a true gem. It is perhaps his most filthy and underrated solo.
- Alexa De Paris
Studio version (B-side of Mountains single)
This is a kind of jazz-rock style song, which basically is just one long guitar solo. The instrumental track has many rhythm changes and breaks. The guitar is leading, plays the melody, solos and replaces the vocals. If I have to pick a part, I choose the solo that starts around 2:58 where the song is speeding up.
- Empty Room
07/18/2009, Auditorium Stravinsky, Montreux (concert)
From time to time new live versions I never heard before appear on YouTube. This is an example of that. The solo in this version is in my opinion the best I have heard so far. The solo in this insanely beautiful song is so melodic and emotionally played.
- Joy In Repetition
Live version (One Nite Alone… The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over album, recorded on 04/10/2002, The World, New York)
Just like Empty Room, I occasionally come across new live versions of Joy In Repetition. But this official release is the best version I’ve come across so far. This song is always good for a flaming guitar solo. This version contains two solos at 2:52 and 7:35. The second one is my favourite.
- The Question Of U
08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome (concert, TV recording)
Most times the live solos of this song stay close to the album version. They start melodic with a nice build up to the climax. This solo is no exception. But this live performance does have that nice raw edge to it compared to the studio version.
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
03/15/2004, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (TV performance)
Perhaps it is a bit cliché to choose this solo. But it deserves a place in the top 15 for nostalgic reasons alone. Prince and Tom Petty have passed, but their music has made them immortal. Music is a time machine that brings back memories. And of course it’s a fantastic solo.
- Santana medley
06/10/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert)
Prince shows his versatility in the Santana medley. The Latin rhythms are the foundation laid down by the band, while Prince solos over it with an ease and feel in his playing like Santana.
- Shhh
04/26/2008, Coachella Festival, Indio, Empire Polo Field (concert)
This is a nice solid live performance. In this version Prince plays a cool solo with a Let’s Go Crazy style ending.
- Purple Rain
Prince & The Revolution Live! video (recorded on 03/30/1985, Carrier Dome, Syracuse)
No doubt his most famous solo and greatest hit. There are plenty of live versions to be found. This is my favourite because I’ve known this version for so long. At this point in time Prince is the brand new world star, and he is not tired of playing Purple Rain yet. This Purple Rain solo is still on fire.
- Dreamer
Studio version (Lotusflow3r album)
Normally my preference goes to the live solos, and there are plenty live examples of Dreamer. But in this case I prefer the studio version. The sound of the guitar is just right. This song also shows that there are enough gems to be found in his later work. And this gem contains an amazing guitar solo.
- The Ride
06/08/1994, Glam Slam, Miami (concert)
Prince playing the blues, and blues lends itself perfectly for improvisation. There are many different versions of this song to be found. The speed, length and intensity vary from performance to performance. In this version the solo is long and with a nice distorted sound.
- I’m Yours
Studio version (For You album)
This is his first rock song and as far as I know of there are no live versions of this song.
From the break in the middle the guitar mayhem starts. What makes this solo different and great is that it is a mix guitar and bass solos. Prince also plays all other instruments on this track. He lives up to his reputation as a multi-instrumentalist on his debut record. Hence the spot in my top 15.
Previous guitar articles
Prince and his guitar have been the subjects of previous articles on this blog:
In closing

Just as with our previous A Pop Life Panel articles, we had a great time compiling this list. My sincere thanks to all involved!
Of course we are curious about reactions, remarks, compliments and your opinions. Use the comment form at the bottom of this article and get in touch. It truly is highly appreciated!
We have plans to publish more of this kind of articles in the future. Should you have wishes or suggestions, we’d love to hear them. Please be so kind as to report them by clicking the mail icon on the A Pop Life Panel page.

This story contains an accompanying video. Click on the following link to see it: Video: Prince – The 15 best guitar solos!. The A Pop Life playlist on Spotify has been updated as well.
All article content: apoplife.nl / en.apoplife.nl, except:
Prince – Guitar – Paard van Troje 1988, Prince – Guitar – America videoclip images: twitter.com
Prince – Guitar – Motherless Child 2009, Prince – Guitar – Sister Dortmund 09-09-1988, Prince – Guitar – Bambi 1990, Prince – Guitar – The Question Of U 1990, Prince – Guitar – Welcome 2 America DVD, Prince – Guitar – VH1 Honors 1994 images: YouTube.com
Prince – The Undertaker image: guitarplayer.com
Prince Lovesexy Tour image: source unknown
Prince – Guitar – Manchester 2014 image: dailymotion.com
Prince – Guitar – Las Vegas 2002 image: exit13up400.com
Prince – Guitar – Montreux 2009 image: tmdb.org
Prince – Guitar – Live 1979 image: ultimateprince.com
Prince – Guitar – Purple Rain live 1985 image: syracuse.com
Prince – Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame – While My Guitar Gently Weeps image: thecurrent.org
Prince – Guitar – Sign O’ The Times movie 1987 image: movieplayer.it
Prince – Guitar – Live 1995 image: artforum.com
Prince – Guitar – Live 1986 image: pinterest.com
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God (instrumental) and Alexis de Paris are also stunning.
I agree, there are so many to choose from!
The list collected on my YT: Prince – 15 best guitar solos
Thanks, wow!
Hard to top Bambi from the Nude tour….that was pure 🔥. #14? Really? But without question….the best o+> solo is…..Just My Imagination in 88 (Hauge-after-show). My metal crazy friends are blown away by his talent. I still get goosebumps to this day. The slow build yielding to the emotional climax is enough to blow away most competitors. I wish I was there to see P’s facial expressions while tearing through this masterpiece. STILL #1.
Bambi is great, for sure! But, opinions combined made for position 14. As they made #1 of Just My Imagination.
Thanks for your reply!