Artist | Amy Winehouse |
Album | Back To Black |
Year of release | 2006 |

Amy Winehouse – Back To Black
In my home this album is loved by everyone. At a very young age, both of my sons had a very strong connection to this album. They still love it. Zühâl and I feel the same way. At a time that it’s 10 years ago that this album was released, it’s inconceivable to not write about this album.
The album is part of my album top 50, position 48. The text with it: Why waste too many words, just a fantastic album by a fantastic singer. It really is that simple.
When, over 5 years ago, Amy Winehouse died, she answered the actual expectations, even though some hope existed she was recovering. Still I was shocked and sincerely saddened that someone that talented was able to self destruct so fast.
What is it about this album that touches me so?
Contrary to her (also beautiful) debut album Frank, which was jazz oriented, Back To Black is heavily influenced by the (sound of the) girl groups from 1950’s and 60’s. Amy Winehouse started working with the Dap-Kings (Sharon Jones’ band) for the rcedoring of the album and she took them on tour with her. The 11 song album was ready in five months and was produced by Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson. The majority of the songs was recorded in the Dap-Kings’ house studio, in Brooklyn, New York. Drums, piano, guitar and bass are recorded live, with all musicians cramped into one tiny room.
Enlisting the production team and the Dap-Kings have been master5strokes for the album. The wall-of-sound-like production, coupled with the authentic soul vibe by the Dap-Kings fit perfectly with Amy Winehouse’s beautiful expert voice, who pour out her heart and soul. Her lyrics are (extremely) blunt and, sometimes painfully so, honest. The subject matter is heavy, but never unbearable.
It is unbelievable that Amy Winehouse, who at the time of recording was just 22 years old, could make such an album, let alone compose the songs herself and make it all sound so credible. The credibility is probably what makes the album touch me, not accounting the beauty of the songs themselves. Never forget that Amy Winehouse created beautiful and timeless songs with Rehab, You Know I’m No Good, Back To Black, Love Is A Losing Game, Tears Dry On Their Own and Wake Up Alone, which are considered to be classic. A world class performance!
Nowadays Back To Black is worldwide recognized as the masterpiece that it is. It is such a shame that Amy Winehouse’s self destructive side prevailed over her artistic one.