Tag: Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire, 09/28/2022

2022-09-28 Arcade Fire - The "WE" Tour (mojo.nl)

4/5: Despite the conditions, was Arcade Fire able to perform and present a great show? Luckily, they were. A great night at the Amsterdam Ziggo Dome.

Album decade list 2010-2019

Album decade list 2010-2019

Arcade Fire debuts with the brilliant Funeral

In 2004 Arcade Fire released their debut album. It stunned audiences over the world and was hailed as an instant all-time-classic. Deservedly so? Absolutely! A look back at a brilliant debut.

Arcade Fire, 04/19/2018

Arcade Fire 04/19/2018 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

3/5: At times very messy and at times brilliant. Arcade Fire can (and must) do better.

Album yearlist 2017

Album yearlist 2017

Closing of 2017

Closing of 2017. What was good? What wasn’t? What were the main events? What stories were favorite? A look back at 2017.

Arcade Fire – Everything Now

Today the fifth Arcade Fire was finally released. How does it hold up when compared to the albums that preceeded Everything Now? A review.

Best albums, 1966 – 2017: A Pop Life, 1 year anniversary

In honor of the 1-year anniversary of my blog A Pop Life (My life with music), the list of best albums per year from 1966.

Best Kept Secret Festival, 06/17/2017

Best Kept Secret 06/17/2017 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

3/5: Nice festival, line-up less so. But Arcade Fire made it all ok. Their show was a very impressive 5 star concert!

The best debut albums

The best debut albums of all times. Making your debut with a world renowned album is rare. But is it a curse or a blessing?

Concerts, top 50

Coming after the album top 50, I present the 50 best concerts I witnessed before my 50th birthday!

Album top 50, numbers 25 to 11

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 25 to 11.

Album decade list 2000-2009

Album decade list 2000-2009

Album yearlist 2013

Album yearlist 2013

Album yearlist 2010

Album yearlist 2010