Tag: Boney M

Birthday gifts

Prince singing Happy Birthday to Cat at Camden Palace London on July 26 1988 (youtube.com)

Through the years I have been given many (musical) presents for my birthday. My sincere gratitude to all who have blessed me with their gifts!

Disco – The 20 best singles

Disco - Dancing at Studio 54 1978 (krwg.org)

In 1976 disco really made an impact in The Netherlands. Although it was quickly hated with a vengeance, it was responsible for a huge amount of classics. My best 20!

Boney M.’s Take The Heat Off Me: childhood sweetheart or sin?

Boney M. 1976 (twitter.com)

In 1976 the brain child of Frank Farian seemed viable after all. From Baby Do You Wanna Bump to founding Boney M.

Singles from my elementary school days

When I was a boy, singles were the indicator for success and a cheap alternative to the (mega) expensive LP. All singles I received as a present or bought myself during my elementary school days.

Guilty pleasures

Guilty pleasures: a strange and peculiar phenomenon. Why the need measure and compare your musical taste to others think? However, the temptation is too big, even for me: a top 10…

Album yearlist 1976

Album yearlist 1976