Tag: Buddy Guy

North Sea Jazz Festival, 07/07/2023

North Sea Jazz Festival 2023 Logo (northseajazz.com)

4/5: Day 1 of the greatest festival in The Netherlands: North Sea Jazz. The day of Van Morrison, Buddy Guy and Little Simz.

Best albums, 1966 – 2017: A Pop Life, 1 year anniversary

In honor of the 1-year anniversary of my blog A Pop Life (My life with music), the list of best albums per year from 1966.

My favorite music, part 2 (by guest author Timur)

Timur tekening North Sea Jazz Festival (apoplife.nl)

The second story by my son Timur. The goings on at the North Sea Jazz Festival and other music memories.

North Sea Jazz Festival, 07/08/2016

North Sea Jazz 07/08-09-10/2016 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

3/5: Day 1 of North Sea Jazz Festival 2016: the family day; great day for fun, but musical wise it was not.

Album yearlist 2001

Album yearlist 2001