Tag: Cure

Album yearlist 2024

The Cure - Songs Of A Lost World (thecure.com)

Album yearlist 2024

The Cure – Songs Of A Lost World

The Cure - Songs Of A Lost World (thecure.com)

Finally the time has arrived, The Cure releases Songs Of A Lost World. A beautiful, moving, gloomy album. Vintage Cure!

1984 is 40 years ago: 40 singles that gave the year its color

I love 1984 - Header (apoplife.nl)

1984 is already 40 years old. A great occasion for compiling a list of 40 singles that helped shape that year!

The Cure impresses with Faith

The Cure live 1981 (Greg Allen)

In 1981 The cure released the dark and moving album Faith, a lifelong favorite. A look back at the great album and tour.

Closing of 2020

Sault - Untitled (Black Is) & Untitled (Rise) (discogs.com)

Closing of 2020. What was good? What wasn’t? What were the main events? What blog stories were favorite? A look back at 2020.

The Cure surprises with the sublime Seventeen Seconds

The Cure - A Forest (7 en 12 inch) (discogs.com)

In 1980 The Cure released their second album, Seventeen Seconds, the real beginning. The story behind the album and its subsequrent tour.

The Cure, 11/13/2016

Cure 11/13/2016 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4/5: Beautiful concert, at times impressive even. A few big suprises this evening, like Other Voices and the entire first encore. Great evening!

The Cure: 35 years of Faith

In honor of 35 years of depression and beauty, a tribute to the album Faith, the best album within the entire body of work by The Cure!

Concerts, top 50

Coming after the album top 50, I present the 50 best concerts I witnessed before my 50th birthday!

Album top 50, numbers 25 to 11

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 25 to 11.

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album yearlist 1981

Album yearlist 1981

Pinkpop, 05/19/1986

Pinkpop 05/19/1986 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4/5: The Cure: fantastic closing act to a beautiful Pinkpop day. The sun going down, surrounded by lovely people and all (my personal) favorites being played.