Tag: George Clinton

Prince and George Clinton, ‘diss’ tracks and respect

George Clinton & Prince - Paisley Park - December 18, 1999 (youtube.com)

George Clinton on Paisley Park Records and the cooperation with Prince. A story of respect and great music!

In memoriam: Bernie Worrell 1944-2016

Bernie Worrell (pinterest.com)

In memoriam: Bernie Worrell 1944-2016

George Clinton & Parliament/Funkadelic, 07/22/2016

George Clinton 07/22/2016 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

3½/5: George Clinton’s 75th birthday at Paradiso. One big party!

Concerts, top 50

Coming after the album top 50, I present the 50 best concerts I witnessed before my 50th birthday!

George Clinton, 07/01/1991

No ticket (apoplife.nl)

3½/5: Good extremely funky show by George Clinton and the P-Funk circus.

George Clinton, 01/22/1990

No ticket (apoplife.nl)

4/5: The musicians came and went as they pleased and seemingly played a random instrument which may have been audible or not. A truly magnificent evening!