Tag: Joni Mitchell

Breakups, 25 songs about the end of a relationship

25 Breakup Songs - Header (redonline.co.uk/grindr.com)

25 Years ago the marriage of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall was declared null and void. A great opportunity to share 25 beautiful breakup songs!

Joni Mitchell incorporates jazz into her music for the first time, Court And Spark

Joni Mitchell - Live 08/13/1974 (facebook.com/jonimitchell)

In 1974 Joni Mitchell released her most successful album: Court And Spark. A story of jazz influences, love and psycho analysis!

Joni Mitchell – #Blue50 Twitter message

Joni Mitchell - Twitter message 06/23/2021 05:03 PM, CEST (twitter.com)

Joni Mitchell personally addresses the attention Blue has received for the 50th anniversary of that masterpiece.

Joni Mitchell impresses deeply with Blue

Joni Mitchell 1970 (morrisonhotelgallery.com)

In 1971 Joni Mitchell released her beautiful, moving and (painfully) honest album Blue. A masterpiece that is still held in high esteem to this very day.

The best albums made by women

I don’t own many albums made by women. Unfairly, as it seems. While making the best 10-list many are discarded.