Tag: Pixies

Pixies, 03/21/2024

Pixies 03/21/2024 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

3/5: Pixies in Paradiso, Amsterdam. The show lacked dynamics, some great moments, but too little to make the concert really work.

Closing Of 2019

Closing of 2019. What was good? What wasn’t? What were the main events? What blog stories were favorite? A look back at 2019.

Pixies and the story behind the classic Doolittle

In 1989 the Pixies released their masterpiece Doolittle. A spectacularly good album that influenced future generations to this day. A look back at a great, superb, fantastic album.

Strongest & best-known band & artist logos

Music and branding go together, more and more. Logos are a part of that. An inventory of the strongest & best known band & artist logos.

Album top 50, numbers 50 to 26

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 50 to 26.

Album yearlist 1989

Album yearlist 1989