Tag: R.E.M.

1984 is 40 years ago: 40 singles that gave the year its color

I love 1984 - Header (apoplife.nl)

1984 is already 40 years old. A great occasion for compiling a list of 40 singles that helped shape that year!

25 years ago: the Bijlmer disaster

In 1992 I lived in the Amsterdam Bijlmer when an El-Al airplane crashed on a flat, very near to my house. A shocking experience.

The ugliest albumcovers

After the greatest, now the ugliest albumcovers, including on not in my possession, expanded with visitors’ covers. Great watching!

Album decade list 1990-1999

Album decade list 1990-1999

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album yearlist 1992

Album yearlist 1992

Album yearlist 1991

Album yearlist 1991

Album yearlist 1988

Album yearlist 1988