Tag: Talking Heads

1984 is 40 years ago: 40 singles that gave the year its color

I love 1984 - Header (apoplife.nl)

1984 is already 40 years old. A great occasion for compiling a list of 40 singles that helped shape that year!

In memoriam: Bernie Worrell 1944-2016

Bernie Worrell (pinterest.com)

In memoriam: Bernie Worrell 1944-2016

My 10 best songs of all time

This year my son asked me if I had published my 10 best songs yet. Why not was the next question. Hereby I present my list.

Talking Heads: 77

The very first album by Talking Heads: 77. A great album and the start of an impressive career. A look back at their debut.

Album top 50, numbers 50 to 26

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 50 to 26.

Album yearlist 1983

Album yearlist 1983