Tag: Top 50

Prince, top 50, numbers 10 to 1

On April 21st 2016 Prince passed away, one of the greatest geniuses on the history of (pop)music. Top 50 best songs: 10 to 1.

Prince, top 50, numbers 25 to 11

On April 21st 2016 Prince passed away, one of the greatest geniuses on the history of (pop)music. Top 50 best songs: 25 to 11.

Prince, top 50, numbers 50 to 26

On April 21st 2016 Prince passed away, one of the greatest geniuses on the history of (pop)music. Top 50 best songs: 50 to 26.

Concerts, top 50

Coming after the album top 50, I present the 50 best concerts I witnessed before my 50th birthday!

Top 50, epilogue

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and the music I present my top 50 best albums. What does this say about me, about my musical taste and what does it tell me about my age and/or identity?

Album top 50, numbers 10 to 1

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 10 to 1!

Album top 50, numbers 25 to 11

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 25 to 11.

Album top 50, numbers 50 to 26

On March 14th 2016 I turned 50. In honor of that occasion and to the music my top 50 best albums. Today numbers 50 to 26.