Tag: U2

1984 is 40 years ago: 40 singles that gave the year its color

I love 1984 - Header (apoplife.nl)

1984 is already 40 years old. A great occasion for compiling a list of 40 singles that helped shape that year!

De Kuip: 45 years of concerts

Stadion Feyenoord - Concert map (lastdodo.nl)

Because of the 45 year jubilee of the Rotterdam De Kuip stadium as a concert venue, a short look back at the shows I witnessed there.

Birthday gifts

Prince singing Happy Birthday to Cat at Camden Palace London on July 26 1988 (youtube.com)

Through the years I have been given many (musical) presents for my birthday. My sincere gratitude to all who have blessed me with their gifts!

Live Aid, the day the world cared (and wanted to see music)

Live Aid Posters (apoplife.nl)

On July 13th, 1985, the most important and impressive concert of the 1980s took place in London and Philadephia: the benefit concert Live Aid. A look back.

U2, 07/29/2017

U2 com header (u2.com)

3½/5: The end could have been different/better, but The Joshua Tree performance was great. One Tree Hill was impressive!

U2: From Pinkpop through the desert to the supermarket

U2: From my first encounter (Pinkpop 1981) through 30 year old The Joshua Tree to personal favorite: 20 year old Pop.

The best 12-inches

The medium 12-inch or maxi-single became hugely popular during the 1980’s. It created some beautiful music. A (small) inventory.

Concerts, top 50

Coming after the album top 50, I present the 50 best concerts I witnessed before my 50th birthday!

Album decade list 1990-1999

Album decade list 1990-1999

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album decade list 1980-1989

Album yearlist 1997

Album yearlist 1997

Album yearlist 1993

Album yearlist 1993

U2, 09/13/2015

U2 09/13/2015 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4½/5: At the very last moment I bought tickets to this concert and was blown away by an extremely hungry, energetic and motivated U2. By far the best U2 concert I ever witnessed!

U2, 07/20/2009

U2 07/20/2009 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4/5: U2 in great form. Definite highlight I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight was stunning!

U2, 07/31/2001

U2 07/31/2001 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

2½/5: Not a real memorable concert, except the piece of When I Get Home Bono sang as a tribute to Herman Brood, who had died three weeks earlier.