David Sylvian, 10/11/2001

Concert information

Artist David Sylvian
Tour name Everything and Nothing – An Evening With David Sylvian
Date 10/11/2001
Venue Vredenburg
City Utrecht
Country The Netherlands


With my friend Bram to see my (and his) youth idol. A fairly pop oriented concert. Luckily David had brought along brother Steve Jansen; an inspiring sight to behold. A special concert by a very special man.


The Scent of Magnolia / Blackwater / God Man / I Surrender / Jean the Birdman / Midnight Sun / The Boy With the Gun / Orpheus / Waterfront / Heartbeat (Tainai Kaiki II) / Linoleum / Rooms of Sixteen Shimmers / Ghosts / Pollen Path / Cover Me With Flowers / Zero Landmine / Forbidden Colours / Krishna Blue


Encore 2:

Encore 3:
Red Guitar

Concert ticket

20011011 David Sylvian

Compliments/remarks? Yes, please!