This article belongs to the story Prince live in 1990, the story of the Nude tour. |
TV reports
The Nude Tour has generated quite some televized fragments, particularly ones regarding the tour opening. The Dutch national television broadcasting service had no less than three items during various news broadcasts on June 2nd, 1990. It’s funny to notice that the weather played an increasingly big part in the reports. The first images of the day show a sunny Feijenoord stadium, but it wasn’t before long that dark clouds gathered which resulted in mopping the stage to keep it somewhat safe.
This article contains five videos, first up are the three Dutchs news items, followed by a MTV News Report, closed off by a nearly 20 minute report on Prince’s first ever concert in Ireland, that was staged on July 7th, 1990.
The third video contains images prior to the concert. If you listen closely you can hear the well-known Andreas Vollenweider music that used to be played during those years, before Prince’s shows started.
Happy viewing!