Bootlegs and Prince. An unhappy marriage. Prince is one of the most bootlegged artists of all time. Ample reason to dive into the world of Prince bootlegs and to compile a ‘must have’ list. This article holds the ultimate top 25, based on 5 different lists.
What is a bootleg?
What constitutes a bootleg? Wikipedia states:
A bootleg recording is an audio or video recording of a performance that was not officially released by the artist or under other legal authority. The process of making and distributing such recordings is known as bootlegging. Recordings may be copied and traded among fans of the artist without financial exchange, but some bootleggers have sold recordings for profit, sometimes by adding professional-quality sound engineering and packaging to the raw material. Bootlegs usually consist of either unreleased studio recordings, live performances or interviews with an unpredictable level of quality.
In other words: all recordings not officially released by an artist, or a record company the artist is/was signed to, is a so-called bootleg: a recording of a concert, aftershow, rehearsal or studio recording obtained illegally.
Prince – Lovesexy – Live bootlegs
In the 1990’s Prince was one of the most bootlegged artists of all time (maybe he still is). The planned, and subsequently retracted, release of The Black Album played a crucial part in that. It became clear that Prince recorded more, much more, music than could ever be released. The quest for Prince material was serious business. Hundreds of thousands copies of The Black Album bootleg were sold before it was officially released in 1994.
Hundreds, if not thousands, Prince bootlegs are in circulation. Most of them are live recordings in varying sound quality, many really good. The so-called soundboard recordings are special, named as such due to the source of the recordings: the central soundboard that passes the sound directly to the speaker(cabinet)s. These recordings are highly sought after. Before audio formats like mp3 existed, physical bootlegs were expensive and changed hands for enormous amounts of money.
On top of that, Prince’s live performances were popular, because he tended to change up his regular shows on a sometimes nightly basis by adding or replacing songs, changing up the arrangements, adding solos or making room for (lengthy) improvisation. This added to the value of those recordings.
Prince – Bootleg labels
To meet the demand real labels were founded, oftentimes exclusively targeted at releasing Prince material. The labels had their own catalogs, release schedules and even remaster and re-release campaigns. One specific bootleg that cannot remain unnamed is the City Lights box: an 11 cd set released in 1995. The set contained recordings from every tour Prince had been on dating from 1980 to 1986. The remastered and expanded release in 2010 contained no less than 40 (!) cd’s, and was supplemented with the concert tours in 1987 and 1988 and sounded pristine.
The question has to be raised how these recordings were obtained. At the end of the 1980’s/early 1990’s bootlegs presented an alternative and free way to give attention to artists and their music. The reasoning some record companies had, was that every form of advertising ultimately brings money to the table. The real fans already have all official material and will keep on buying it, even if the music has been previously available on bootlegs. So, the worst case scenario is that people who listen to bootlegs are interested in going to the shows, after which they may visit a record store and spend some money. On the other hand, the existing fanbase is even more invested in the artist, as more and more material finds its way to them, while being part of a ‘secret’ group of people with more insight in and access to rare material.
Prince – City Lights – Bootleg (1995)
In the early days Prince himself was the main source for escaping studio recordings. After a day in the studio Prince made a copy of the music he’d recorded that day so he could listen to it in his car. A lot of those cassettes ended up in the backseat of his car. Upon cleaning the car those cassettes vanished from the car and started appearing on bootlegs.
The source of the (soundboard) live recordings is less clear. When the City Lights box set was released in 1995, it was rumored that Bobby Z. (Prince’s drummer from 1978 to 1986) was the source. To this day it’s unclear where the enormous amount of recordings stem from. The fact is, that a lot of fans are highly appreciative they exist.
Prince – Open letter to bootleggers 1996-1997
Prince vs bootlegs
What was Prince’s stance? Answering the question why he still hadn’t released a live album (his first album was released in 2002), knowing there were so many available, he said:
I’ve never released an official live album. The bootlegs – some of these guys are making more off my music than I am … I understand a fan’s need: I wanted every note James Brown ever sung. But a live album is such definitive statement.
He was very aware of the many bootlegs of his work and was often angry and pissed about it, particularly by the fact that bootleggers made money off them. See the letter above, to which the Sabotage label reacted:
Dear O(+> – we at SABOTAGE really dig your music, but wouldn’t you agree that our work was unnecessary if you really made everything available? Please open up your vault to the ears of the world! Peace
To Prince, bootlegging was one of the reasons to start his NPG Music Club, an on-line Prince community, that was active from 2001 to 2006, where Prince communicated directly with his fans and released music. To an annual fee of $100.- (lowered to $25.- from year 4 onwards) members received (new) music every month, physical cd’s and access to exclusive pre-sales of concert tickets, guaranteeing seats in front of the stage.
It worked like a charm, fans were happy, especially in the beginning when music was released in vast amounts, yet it ended abruptly:
The NPG Music Club was a first step; the lessons learned will last 4ever. Now comes a time of great reflection and restructuring. The future holds nothing but endless opportunity and we plan on seizing it wholeheartedly.
Other Prince sites followed, but the main effort was focused on an all out war against bootleggers. Bootleggers in the broadest sense, meaning everybody working with Prince material. Music wasn’t the only commodity that was targeted, photo’s and even the use of his name, , everyone was at risk. Many sites were targeted and many fans turned their back on Prince, disillusioned by his antics.
Prince – Uptown magazine Bootleg issues
It seemed to signal the beginning of the end for the Sweden based Uptown magazine, which published Prince news and provided much background stories 4 times a year. They also tried to catalog all Prince bootlegs. A brave attempt, that eventually had to be stopped, probably due to the immeasurable amount of releases.
Recently I published the story on PLECTRUMELECTRUM and ART OFFICIAL AGE, that also handled the lawsuit Prince started against 22 websites/fansites in January 2014, because of bootlegs (also read Prince releases 2 albums in one day: PLECTRUMELECTRUM and ART OFFICIAL AGE). Due to bad press Prince quickly retracted the lawsuits. In an interview shortly after the affair, he stated:
Nobody sues fans. It’s just a poor way to phrase it. A bootlegger is a bootlegger, a scalper is a scalper. They know what time it is. Just sharing music with each other — that’s cool. It’s the selling that becomes the problem.
Even though Prince seemed to loosen up somewhat, especially to the individual Prince music lovers (he even stated he owned bootlegs himself), it does seem fair to state that Prince wasn’t ‘overly excited’, a feeling shared by many artists with him.
However, there are plenty who encourage(d) it (U2, Pearl Jam) or even facilitate(d) it (Arcade Fire). At the time of the NPG Music Club Pearl Jam was on tour. Every concert of the tour was immediately released on cd and made available to their fans. A master stroke that gained the band a lot of goodwill. At the time I e-mailed the NPG Music Club posing the question why Prince wouldn’t consider such a strategy. I received a nice reply stating the proposal would be proposed to Prince. Of course nothing came of it.
My personal bootlegs
My first bootleg of the ‘Paard van Troje’ aftershow
What’s my position then? Personally, I don’t have any problem with bootlegs at all. I received my first bootleg on November 17th, 1986. It contained the (cassette) recordings of my very first Prince show at the Rotterdam Ahoy (also read 30 years ago, the best show I ever witnessed). I was addicted to the recording and played it so much the tape wore too thin to play it. One year later the next one: again cassettes and again recordings of a show I witnessed (June 20th, 1987).
On January 9th, 1989, I visited my first record fair and came home with a huge amount of lp’s and maxi singles. One month later, on February 7th, 1989, I bought my first bootleg cd’s: The Black Album and Love Sexy Live In Germany (recordings of the famous Dortmund show on September 9th, 1988). Seven months later Small Club, 2nd Show That Night came with the mail. Things went very quickly after that. Hundreds of bootlegs found their way into my home and cd-player. What a treat!
My reasoning has always been: if I buy everything that is released officially and visit as many shows as I possibly can, the financial downside to the artist is non-existent. I know the reasoning is somewhat shaky, because using it enables a system’s survival, in this case the sytem being the bootleg “industry”.
Why a top 25?
Hamish Whitta – Prince 50 Essential Bootlegs
While on summer holiday this year I was reading Hamish Whitta’s great book Prince 50 Essential Bootlegs (recommended reading!) and wondered what my list would be like. So I went to work. I thought it would be a great idea for my blog as well. However, I also thought I shouldn’t do this alone, to give more body to the actual list. After e-mailing some Prince friends, enthusiasm was high for compiling a combined list.
Bram, Edward, Leon, Vincent and me went to work with great zeal and compiled our own personal top 25 (Leon came to 15). Based on everyone’s contribution all the dates/shows were assembled, rated and sorted. The final result is listed below.
Before going to the list, some remarks:
Does this introduction ever end? Yep. With pride and sincere gratitude to Bram, Edward, Leon and Vincent, I give you the 25 best Prince live bootlegs!
Prince – Trojan Horse – Bootleg
1. 08/19/1988, The Hague, Paard van Troje
Instrumental Jam / D.M.S.R. / Just My Imagination / People Without / Housequake / Down Home Blues / Cold Sweat / Forever In My Life / Still Would Stand All Time / I’ll Take You There / Rave Until The Joy Fantastic / It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night
Bram |
There I was at the crush barriers in front of ‘t Paard. I’m about to witness my first ever aftershow ever (a term I had never even heard of at the time). Satisfied by my very first Prince show ever at the Rotterdam Stadium just a few hours before. Man, I was pumped! Nice spot in the front of the row, so everything would turn out great. And then… then I woke up. |
Edward |
Do we really need any explanation here? Alright, one more time: religiously quoted by fans and fanatics alike as the greatest nightly show Prince ever played. So, why is that? This show has everything in the can: funk (Housequake, D.M.S.R.), ballad-gospel style (I’ll Take You There), rock (Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic) …. you name it. Absolute highlights: the unknown People Without, with a touch of drama at the beginning. The magical Just My Imagination, phenomenal guitar work. Insane vocals by Boni Boyer on Down Home Blues, Kansas City, Cold Sweat and Still Would Stand All Time (which would only surface 2 years later on Graffiti Bridge). And to top it all off: a prehistoric yet the best version ever of Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic especially with that absolute genius Hendrix-esque climax. And then, after this unforgettable experience of two hours, Prince is exhausted. This show is so unbelievable relaxed and without a vibe like ‘oh-damn-having-to-do-another-aftershow’, it all goes down like a sweet cake …. probably because your mouth is so wide open from the sheer amazement you’re experiencing. The real fun part of these adventures until the early morning hours -in comparison to the regular concerts-: there is no frills here, no upschmuck. And a minimum of hits played to please the average concert visitor. Just tracks played at random or surprisingly inspirational covers here. Side note: all release of this particular boot are just fine, but still having a strong preference for the Sabotage remaster called Trojan Horse, as this one has the least amount of hiss in the background and the most beautiful design on the artwork. |
Erwin |
The mother of all aftershows. Perfect recording that captures Prince at his zenith, who relaxes during this two hours long aftershow. With arguably his best guitar solo: Just My Imagination. |
Leon |
Well….what can I say that hasn’t been said before. But still: relaxed show, good sound quality, Just My Imagination: his entire heart and soul translated into sound…electrically magnified, that is. Prince shows off (almost) all of his versatility: blues, funk, rock, ballad, soul. Glorious! Knock…knock…who’s there! Unfortunately not me! |
Vincent |
The ultimate bootleg for every fan! Excellent recording straight from the soundboard. Particularly Prince’s solos during Just My Imagination and Down Home Blues are world class. The solo in Just My Imagination is continually built from a quiet to a roaring guitar at the end. |
Prince – From Dusk Till Dawn – Bootleg
2. 07/18/2009, Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski
Show 1: When Lay My Hands On U / Little Red Corvette / Somewhere Here On Earth / When The Lights Go Down / Love U, But Don’t Trust U Anymore / She Spoke 2 Me / Love Like Jazz / All This Love // Empty Room / Elixer / In A Large Room With No Light // Insatiable – Scandalous – The Beautiful Ones – Nothing Compares 2 U
Show 2: When Lay My Hands On U / Stratus / All Shook Up / Peach / Spanish Castle Magic / When You Were Mine / Little Red Corvette / Somewhere Here On Earth / She Spoke 2 Me / Love U, But Don’t Trust U Anymore / Love Like Jazz / All The Critics Love U In Montreux // In A Large Room With No Light / Purple Rain
Bram |
Technically the real number 1. Not one single flaw! Two great shows in one evening! What isn’t … good, brilliant, exceptional? The band, the vocals, the guitar solos, the setlist. Goosebumps from start to finish! |
Edward |
Insane versions of Little Red Corvette, Stratus, Spanish Castle Magic, In A Large Room With No Light, She Spoke To Me, Empty Room. Mighty beautiful styled show. The magnificent designed 3-CD set of EYE Records, including purple inner sleeves, is an absolute must for any eye. In addition, available on DVD, as well. |
Erwin |
Scary perfection during both shows played on that one day. A super band (with master drummer John Blackwell) that plays with the upmost concentration, and audible fun. Two incredibly exciting sets. |
Leon |
The way I like to see Prince, primarily playing his guitar! Tough solos, piercing high notes and 1 of my favorite covers: Stratus!! |
Vincent |
Once again, one of the best shows Prince ever did. A great version of Litte Red Corvette, lots of guitar and a band leader who is into it! A small highlight is the great drum solo by John Blackwell. |
Prince – Livesexy Dortmund – Bootleg
3. 09/09/1988, Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
Erotic City / Housequake / Slow Love / Adore / Delirious / Jack U Off / Sister / Adore / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Head / A Love Bizarre / When You Were Mine / Blues In C (If I Had A Harem) / When You Were Mine / Little Red Corvette / Controversy / Dirty Mind / Superfunkycalifragisexy / Bob George / Anna Stesia / Eye No / Lovesexy / Glam Slam / The Cross / I Wish U Heaven / Kiss / Dance On / When 2 R In Love / Venus De Milo / Starfish And Coffee / Raspberry Beret / Condition Of The Heart / Strange Relationship / Let’s Go Crazy / When Doves Cry / Purple Rain / 1999 // Alphabet St.
Bram |
Well, this one has had a lot of coverage already here. See of May 10th, 2018, and September 9th, 2018. We could go on forever. Okay then, one more thing: ‘Snare drum pounds on the 2 and 4…’ And off we go! |
Edward |
Erwin |
Well, the fantastic fabulous Lovesexy Tour. What’s more to be said? If you don’t like this one, just give it up. Prince at his best? Most likely, yes. Perfect registration, perfect sound. And… I was there (also read 30 years ago, the most special show I ever witnessed). |
Leon |
This Lovesexy concert is super tight from start to finish! I played this show to death! It almost seems he has too little time to show what he’s capable of, too much energy that has to be let go. Favo moment…piano medley: strange relationship…ship…ship! |
Vincent |
The concert that intrigues from start to finish. The Netherlands had just won the European championship football and that’s clearly audible. The only letdown is the Anna Stesia solo, when Prince’s guitar malfunctions and he whispers what to do next in his band members’ ears. |
Prince – Rainmaker – Bootleg
4. 08/03/1983, Minneapolis, First Avenue
Let’s Go Crazy / When You Were Mine / A Case Of You / Computer Blue / Delirious / Electric Intercourse / Automatic / I Would Die 4 U / Baby I’m A Star / Little Red Corvette / Purple Rain / D.M.S.R.
Bram |
History in the making, that’s what they say. Contains the beautiful Electric Intercourse. |
Edward |
History in the making, and therefor essential. The first ever live takes on Let’s Go Crazy, Computer Blue and the basis for Baby I’m A Star and Purple Rain, last mentioned here in its original uncut eclectic 13 minute version, the very original version for the soon to be released album, with extra (later deleted) verse. An emotional Electric Intercourse, only played during this show. And the not often played Automatic while on the 1999 Tour ….. simply a formidable set. |
Erwin |
The most important show of Prince’s career? Probably. The base for no less than 3 songs that ended up on the Purple Rain album were played and recorded on this very night. Magical evening. |
Leon |
If Syracuse is at number 1, this one has to be part of this list as well! The early beginnings on the way to mega stardom! Electric Intercourse makes quite an impression, the sorrow of an unrequited love, with Prince trying to persuade in Technicolor Climax! Sensitive singing kind of mystifies it, but how great it is due to the sordidness. |
Vincent |
The concert where a number of songs for Purple Rain were recorded. The Purple Rain solo on the album is a note by note rendition of the way it was played this night. The bootleg contains another jewel that is one of the most beautiful songs Prince has ever written… Electric Intercourse. |
Prince – Flesh For Fantasy – Bootleg
5. 03/30/1985, Syracuse, Carrier Dome
Let’s Go Crazy / Delirious / 1999 / Little Red Corvette / Take Me With U / Do Me, Baby / Irresistible Bitch / Possessed / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore? / Let’s Pretend We’re Married / International Lover / God / Computer Blue / Darling Nikki / The Beautiful Ones / When Doves Cry / I Would Die 4 U / Baby I’m A Star / Purple Rain
Bram |
Edward |
My very first introduction with Prince live. There Eddy was, in the middle of the night at 03:00 …… waiting for New York, @ 21:00 hours. I had to see this live, no not taping, just live! Word had just got out that he wasn’t coming to Europe with this tour. Besides, the new record was all ready and coming to the shops a week later: Around The World In A Day. Part of the phenomenal Temptation of that album was already played during this very show. Yummy! marvelous tour @ which all tracks of the Purple Rain LP were played. Plus a sensual Do Me, Baby and the sexual tinted How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore? Take notice btw of the already present dichotomy here, later used again in the Lovesexy shows; he is talking to God halfway into the spectacle: OK, I’ll be good ….. but (in this tour) carries on playing the rude boy with Darling Nikki and the ego-trotting Baby I’m A Star. While during Lovesexy it’s more evident: first the evil & sexual, then the good & the sacred. If I can name a disadvantage of Syracuse: It’s a pretty styled show, I think it lacks a bit more raunchiness. And yet, just as well I was watching my eyeballs out for an hour and a half. It ends with over 30 minutes of highlights: Baby I’m A Star (11 minutes) and a whopping 20 minutes of the Purple Rain apotheosis. |
Erwin |
Leon |
My first enchantment, what a show. A virtually non-stop explosion of energy on the stage, a modern day Mozart who shows he’s in full control of his music and band. The most important: Purple Rain, so much passion and emotion in his guitar playing. I was 19 years old and hooked for life. |
Vincent |
A live version of the Purple Rain concert in Syracuse which was broadcast on TV. As a young Prince fan, I was up all night (bringing my mattress to the living room) for “Rockpalast” that broadcast the show live, including the support act, Sheila E. I think it’s one of his very best shows ever. The energy Prince uses to entertain his audience and earns his place among the greats, is impressive. |
Prince – Stripped Down – Bootleg
6. 08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome
‘DAT’ Intro / The Future / 1999 / Housequake / Sexy Dancer / Kiss / Purple Rain / Take Me With U / Bambi / Alphabet St. / The Question Of U (instrumental) / Venus De Milo / Under The Cherry Moon (instrumental) / The Question Of U / When Doves Cry Do Me, Baby / Ain’t No Way / Little Red Corvette / Batdance / Partyman // Baby I’m A Star
Bram |
What a great tour. Many hits, all in great arrangements. Masterly version of When Doves Cry (with bass!). ‘Ahhhh, Do Me, Baby…’ |
Edward |
Erwin |
The ridiculously tight (and sparse) Nude Tour; a phenomenal performance. The new The Question Of U, followed by the best version of When Doves Cry ever. The moment the bass enters the mix… |
Leon |
Vincent |
Once again a show that was broadcast on TV. The version of Bambi is sublime and shows, once again, how good Prince actually is on the guitar. |
Prince – R U Experienced – Bootleg
7. 02/13/1994, Minneapolis, Paisley Park
Interactive / Days Of Wild / Now / The Ride / The Jam / I Believe In You / Shhh / What’d I Say / Peak The Technique / Martial Law / None Of Your Business
Bram |
A great compact set. Days Of Wild, Now, Peak The Technique. Pure bliss. |
Edward |
Its title R U Xperienced? says it all. Again, Hendrix. Could it serve as an inspiration? U better believe it! Another delightful show with a leading roll for the guitar. With the Warners disagreement in full swing, resulting in new material only. No acid colored rain or doves crying, only mere Now, Days Of Wild, The Ride, Interactive, The Jam, Shhh, a playful improv on Peak The Technique (Eric B & Rakim). Deliciously fierce! |
Erwin |
This show signaled the end of the meager years. When this was played on the Dutch radio at the time, I was blown away. The new direction was very, very good indeed. Songs like Days Of Wild and Now are still part of my favorite songs ever. |
Leon |
Vincent |
I stumbled upon this great concert while on holiday in Germany. At that time Prince is also experimenting with multimedia and internet and releases a game that contains the opening song: Interactive. My favorite is the Shhh solo. |
Prince – Night Before The Reign – Bootleg
8. 06/07/1984, Minneapolis, First Avenue
17 Days / Our Destiny / Roadhouse Garden / All Day, All Night / Free / Noon Rendezvous / Erotic City / Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) / When Doves Cry // Irresistible Bitch / Possessed
Bram |
Roadhouse Garden, 17 Days, All Day All Night. And then some. Unique show. ‘Sitting in this cafe, waiting for my baby…’ Sweet. |
Edward |
The prequel to Syracuse? Not quite. With wonderfully spunky versions of extremely unusual trax: 17 Days, Irresistible Bitch, All Day All Night, Noon Rendezvous, Possessed, even Something In he Water (Does Not Compute) is a remarkable version. And then as an extra treat the unknown and otherwise never used Roadhouse Garden & Our Destiny. Great show, beautifully designed bootleg from EYE with the complete show of 85 minutes. |
Erwin |
Prince turns 26 years old that day. What else is there to do than do a show on your birthday? Beautiful document of that space in time. When Doves Cry has just been released, the album and the movie Purple Rain are just around the corner. Prince is at the abyss of super stardom and plays a beautiful set containing a number of songs that would never be released (during his lifetime). |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Sign O’ The Times Live (movie) – Bootleg
9. 11/20/1987, Sign O’ The Times, The Movie
Sign O’ The Times / Play In The Sunshine / Little Red Corvette / Housequake / Slow Love / I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man / Hot Thing / Now’s The Time / If I Was Your Girlfriend / Forever In My Life / It / It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night / The Cross
Bram |
Edward |
After disappointing record sales on Sign O’ The Times in the USA, Prince felt no need to do an American leg of the tour. Yet his star was rising to unprecedented heights in Europe. So, what does one do? You make a concert movie! Quite easy to produce, but what a product! A real classic. Cannot be absent in any list, in my opinion. Filmed during the concerts Rotterdam and Antwerp (!), and naturally substantially tweaked @ Paisley Park, though not spoiling the sheer fun. Phenomenal versions on the überfunky Hot Thing and Forever In My Life in particular, together representing 20 minutes like Prince never sounded before. Seriously, if you don’t have this one ….. just saying: major flaw. |
Erwin |
Leon |
Yes it is tightly directed and mixed, but it still is a beautiful show. The joy is all over the place. Sheila E in optima forma….not bad for girl! |
Vincent |
Prince – He’s Got The Look – Bootleg
10. 06/15/1987, Paris, New Morning
Purple House / I Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl) / Instrumental / Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) / What Did I Do? / Mutiny / Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine
Bram |
Paisley Park, pay attention! Open up the vaults and release this. Some aftershow! If he had only played What Did I Do? (called Wasn’t My Faith on the bootleg) that night, it would have been sufficient. But then, the finale is about to start… |
Edward |
Should this one be at an even higher spot, you ask yourself? A frenzied ecstatic show, this one. Already quite the credit, if one dares to include a Jimi Hendrix track (Red House) in one’s set. It shows courage. Looking further into the show, it contains improvised bits ‘n pieces of less familiar trax on Prince and Madhouse, which is excelling at (this boot mentioned) Charlie Parker and Wasn’t My Faith. Also available as Peach & Black with extra one-off show @ Rupert’s/MPLS (Sept 5, 1987). |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Starlight Lounge – Bootleg
11. 04/12/1993, San Fransisco, DNA Lounge
The Sacrifice Of Victor / Race / Come / Peach / Goldnigga / Black M.F. In The House / ‘Starlight Lounge’ improvisation / I’ll Take You There / Sexy Dancer / Get Satisfied / Papa / Hair / What Is Hip? / When You Were Mine / Sexy M.F. / Love 2 The 9’s
Bram |
C.O.M.E. |
Edward |
Erwin |
The Come aftershow, the most horny and exciting performance of that song ever. C O M E, now what’s that spell?. Holy f#@k. |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – R U Gonna Go My Way? – Bootleg
12. 12/24/1998, Utrecht, Tivoli
Cissy Strut / Superstition / Chameleon / Asswoop / The Undertaker / Joy And Pain / I Know You Got Soul / (I Got My Groove On) Baby Let’s Go / Hair / Love And Happiness / Are You Gonna Go My Way? / The Jam / Mad / I Want To Take You Higher / Days Of Wild / Thank You (Falletinme Be Mice Elf Agin) / You Can Sing It If You Try / Forever In My Life / Everyday People / Guitar Jam / Santana Medley / The Question Of U / Gett Off / When You Were Mine / 2001: Also Sprach Zarathustra
Bram |
Edward |
Strange days indeed. In the context of nice anecdotes ….. the 23rd. of December 1998 …. 6:30 in the morning at the Oranjehal in Utrecht, we were nrs. 3 and 4 to arrive, according to the sequence numbers that were distributed to the first 1.000 visitors. So, that meant a guaranteed spot in the front of the box near the stage. It was freezing winter so by the time the doors opened (@ 6 p.m.) we now had purple legs. No longer remembering what happened exactly, but a really good place close to the stage? Nope. The concert was not one would pronounce: unforgettable. Although The Christ (new version The Cross) was certainly impressive. Larry Graham stole the show again, not at all to my interest, always the same trick, plucking his bass, yes we know it already. And the sound wasn’t too good either. Alas, it was just not my day, I guess. All this led to the legendary statement: well, what am I worried about? The bootleg sounds better anyway! ……. we thought to be smart, leaving a little earlier so that we would arrive @ Tivoli on time. Because the aftershow would be at that location, we had already heard during the day. Because of this, we missed out on the finale with Kravitz ….. …… once we arrived on the canals, we no longer knew where we were exactly, so we hailed the first taxi near us. We settled very comfortably in the back seat. Where to? said the taxi driver, relieved and cheerful, probably his first ride that evening. We said: quickly, to Tivoli. Yes, he says, you mean: there? Pointing at a little over 200 meters away. Oh …. OK, thank you so much ….. so, out on the other side of the taxi. Duuuuuh!! Waiting at the immensely long line outside on the canal, Prince suddenly appeared in a living room above the Tivoli for a little dance, a very special moment: Prince in a canal house in Utrecht. And God, were we tired ….. so doubting ….. can we still make it? ….. almost running away ….. no, back again …… and (without exaggeration) we were among the last 10 visitors that went inside, locking the door behind us. The entrance fee was then 70 guilders (after all, it was 1998, there was no € yet). At the aftershow we were, oddly enough, almost at the front, despite the fact we came in last. With greats by the likes of Lenny Kravitz, Candy and Hans Dulfer, Larry Graham and the master himself in a beautiful purple 70’s trenchcoat, I still remember. I guess, to please Kravitz, no doubt. An amazing and relaxed show followed, with trax being played such as Superstition, The Undertaker, Chameleon, Mad and Kravitz’ Are You Gonna Go My Way? Towards the end when Gett Off started, about 5 o’clock in the morning, I think I was sleeping against the wall. I was really exhausted. However, a final characteristic event would take place (yes, indeed …. we really heard it!) ….. Prince was playing the last track 2001 Also Sprach Zarathustra (van A Space Odyssey) and spoke the illustrious words: Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb ….. better watch out USA ….. 2001. We’re talking Christmas 1998 here ….. no 9/11 had happened yet! That was only 3 years later. Naturally fueling wild speculations after September 11: did Prince already know about it? Did Prince have connections with Osama? Yeah right! Whateva …… |
Erwin |
Leon |
Oh yes…the 3rd time in 1 year seeing Prince live and this time my first aftershow! Party like it’s 1998! |
Vincent |
The best aftershow I personally witnessed. Prince, Lenny Kravitz, Hans and Candy Dulfer, they were all on stage. At one time Hans Dulfer balanced his saxophone on his chin all around the stage, Prince following him with a big smile on his face…. I acquired 5 plectrums that night as I had seen Prince place them on his keyboard. A simple question to a roadie after the show and they were mine . Remarkable detail is that there’s a theory about the announcement of the September 11 terrorist attacks. In one of his songs Prince sings Osama Bin Laden get ready to bomb! |
Prince – Rock Over Germany – Bootleg
13. 09/03/1993, Lüneburg, Flugplatz Lüneburg
My Name Is Prince / Sexy MF / The Beautiful Ones / Let’s Go Crazy / Kiss / Irresistible Bitch / She’s Always In My Hair / Raspberry Beret / The Cross / Sign O’ The Times / Purple Rain / Thunder / When Doves Cry / Nothing Compares 2 U / And God Created Woman / Diamonds And Pearls / Piano Instrumental / Venus De Milo / I Love U In Me / Strollin’ / Scandalous / Girls And Boys / 7 // 1999 / Baby I’m A Star / America / D.M.S.R. / Gett Off / The Pope / It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night / Peach
Bram |
Another exciting era. What was he doing? No name, new, incredible songs. Great versions of Girls & Boys, She’s Always In My Hair, Irresistible Bitch and… The Beautiful Ones! |
Edward |
What a wonderful tour. The show @ the Brabanthallen (Peach, Act 2) could also have been a possibility here. But he is clearly doing his better best with the world listening in for Lüneburg, as the concert was broadcasted live on radio. The Act 1 (tour USA) focused on the Symbol album from 1992 ….. terrible! With one of the worst trax Prince ever entrusted on record: Blue Light. What a horror. Fortunately Act 2 (Europe) was a greatest hits tour, so all the classics are served: 1999, When Doves Cry, Purple Rain, Let’s Go Crazy, Kiss, Girls & Boys, Sign O’ The Times, Diamonds And Pearls, Sexy MF. Shortly after, he would make a major change, turning himself into an unpronounceable symbol. No more old hits. So enjoy it once more! Great ending in this show with America – Gett Off – The Pope – and yes, another unparalleled Peach. |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
Nice bootleg with live hits. My personal highlight is the solo during She’s Always In My Hair. At the time the show was partially broadcast on MTV as part of the Coca Cola Report. |
Prince – Jack U Off – Bootleg
14. 02/28/1982, New Orleans, Saenger Performing Arts Center
Uptown / Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad / When You Were Mine / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Head / Annie Christian / Dirty Mind / Do Me, Baby / Controversy / Let’s Work / Jack U Off
Bram |
Choices, choices. Changed my mind, and ultimately picked this classic release Jack U Off. Despite the lesser quality in sound than on Just A Freak, this show is tighter. |
Edward |
One of the first boots, available at WOM in Berlin in 1990. And even on marvelous colored vinyl. What a show! Sentiments running through my veins. Unfathomable and limitless interpretations of Head and Dirty Mind. Take the bite! |
Erwin |
A great night on the Controversy Tour. Steaming and rocking versions of a great selection of songs. Prince and band are tight, focused and exciting. |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Paradiso – Bootleg
15. 03/25-26/1995, Amsterdam, Paradiso
Show 1: Funky / 18 And Over / Now / I Believe In You / Proud Mary / The Ride / Glam Slam Boogie / Days Of Wild / Get Wild / Sex Machine Jam
Show 2: People Get Ready / The Jam / Get Wild / Jailhouse Rock / Zannalee / The Undertaker / Funky Design / P Control / Funky Stuff / Johnny / Endorphine Mahcine / Peach
Bram |
Edward |
The second show @ Paradiso which I thought to be better than the first. Certainly more entertaining. With a leading role for Peach, I just like this song when played live. The night before was resting on somewhat more funk while at this second night, the guitar was pulled again. Amazing versions of The Jam, Zannalee, The Undertaker, Endorphinmachine and Peach naturally. |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
The first aftershow I witnessed. Prince announced the show during the regular concert. The next day I was he only one in front of the local VVV to buy tickets. Even the cashier, who was a fan herself, was oblivious. After some persuasion she logged in and there they were, tickets in abundance. That night, many fans tried in vain to get tickets by the door. The Leidseplein square was packed. |
Prince – Purple Rain Tour Finale – Bootleg
16. 04/07/1985, Miami, Orange Bowl
Let’s Go Crazy / Delirious / 1999 / Little Red Corvette / Take Me With U / Do Me, Baby / Irresistible Bitch / Possessed / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore? / Temptation / Let’s Pretend We’re Married / International Lover / God / Computer Blue / Darling Nikki / The Beautiful Ones / When Doves Cry / I Would Die 4 U / Baby I’m A Star / Purple Rain
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Last show of the huge Purple Rain Tour. Prince and band are in rare form, probably happy that it’s finished, but they still give it their all for the last time and it shows. Fantastic show! |
Leon |
Vincent |
The last Purple Rain concert where Prince breaks his high E string during the solo of Purple Rain and keeps on playing as if nothing had happened. It is audible on the bootleg |
Prince – 4 Those On U On Valium – Bootleg
17. 03/21/1987, Minneapolis, First Avenue
Housequake / Girls And Boys / Slow Love / Hot Thing / Now’s The Time / /Strange Relationship / Forever In My Life / Kiss / It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night
Bram |
How great all those perform… ‘Shut up allready!’ |
Edward |
Erwin |
The masterpiece Sign O’ The Times was about to be released, Prince had a new band and wanted to see how it all would play out in a real live setting. Well: perfectly. Energetic set that primarily focused on new songs, which were unbeknownst to the audience in the venue. |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Manic Monday – Bootleg
18. 08/18/1986, Rotterdam, Ahoy
Around The World In A Day / Christopher Tracy’s Parade / New Position / Manic Monday ¹ / I Wonder U / Raspberry Beret / Delirious / Controversy / A Love Bizarre / Do Me, Baby / (How Much Is) That Doggie In The Window? / Lady Cab Driver (instrumental) / Automatic / D.M.S.R. / When Doves Cry / Little Red Corvette / Under The Cherry Moon / Anotherloverholenyohead / 17 Days / Head / Pop Life / Girls & Boys / Life Can Be So Nice / 1999 // America / Kiss // Purple Rain
Bram |
Edward |
Although, unfortunately I never got to see it live: great tour, tight band. This particular evening, the setting is @ Rotterdam. Prince is even playing Manic Monday, hence the title of this boot, which at the time only appeared in a limited edition of 500. Great elongated versions of America and Purple Rain. Then why on #21 and not any higher? In 1986, my Prince fandom was in quite a dip, was not too crazy about Parade. The bald arrangements, I wasn’t sure how to digest it all. Predecessor Around The World In A Day: fantastico. Mountains: deliciously! Parade: mwoah. …. and so I didn’t worry too much when it was mentioned that Prince was coming over for concerts. It took a long time before I started to appreciate the album, a very long time. It was Girls & Boys, I think, years later when I finally saw that ‘worthless’ movie Under The Cherry Moon on TV, oeh, that was funky and fun … and gradually started listening to the rest of the LP. Still not my favorite, but this boot has had a lot of good influence. In 2016, a beautiful remaster was released, with better sound, only available in Japan. |
Erwin |
My very first ever Prince show, with The Revolution. The sound quality isn’t 100%, but I played this to death. I know every shout, yelp, remark by heart. The superb Parade Tour came to The Netherlands. I was there and my life would never be the same again (also read 30 years ago, the best show I ever witnessed). |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Rock In Rio 2 – Bootleg
19. 01/19/1991, Rio De Janeiro, Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho / Estádio do Maracana
Something Funky (This House Comes) / Let’s Go Crazy / Horny Pony / Kiss / Purple Rain / Bambi / Take Me With U / Shake! / Dr. Feelgood / Venus De Milo / The Question Of U (instrumental) / Instrumental / Ain’t No Way / Nothing Compares 2 U // Baby I’m A Star
Bram |
Another playful performance. There’s just no stopping it. Contains a Baby I’m A Star finale that lasts almost 30 minutes. Great. ‘There you go, there you go, it’s the…!’ |
Edward |
Erwin |
Tight, fast and exciting. This show even entertains the chairs in your living room. I would have loved to have been there. |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – The Ultimate Wild Experience – Bootleg
20. 03/25/1995, Den Bosch, Brabanthallen
Endorphinmachine / The Jam / Shhh / Days Of Wild / Now / Johnny / Glam Slam Boogie / The Most Beautiful Girl In The World / P. Control / Letitgo / Pink Cashmere / (Lemme See Your Body) Get Loose! / A Case Of You / I Love U In Me / The Ride / Peach / 7 // Get Wild / Race / Super Hero / Billy Jack Bitch – Hate U – 319 / Gold
Bram |
Edward |
My favorite tour of all times. Prince was angry (@ WB) and it showed. Absolute no old Prince trax, only mere new material of the Gold era. His displeasure was not only showcased while ‘Slave’ written on his cheek, also the fierce guitar work was blissful: Endorphinmachine, The Jam, The Ride, Peach ….. what a delicious concert. Nice memories! Friday, the 24th of March I was already on my way to Den Bosch, a quick check-in at the hotel and off to the Brabanthallen where Prince is playing the first concert (and having no ticket for that one). But one could hear it well, just standing outside. But then ….. the doors opened at the sideway, visitors leaving angry …. at first, I didn’t understand. What’s happening here? Upon inquiry, it became obvious that they were leaving as Prince was not playing the familiar hits …… eeeh, yeah duuuuh! But for every concertgoer that left, one was admitted entrance for free. But I didn’t want to spoil my pleasures of the following day with a concert that I had already seen. Besides, I have the conviction that I only want to visit one concert every tour, otherwise it wouldn’t be special to me anymore. That said, one could hear it very well outside as the doors stayed open the whole time after that. With a small group, we had decided we would await for Prince and Mayte to come outside, behind the venue, where the limousine was at the ready. After the final track Gold, they came outside very quickly, where a handful of fans were waving at them. He gently waved back at us …… So, the next day getting up before the dawn and arriving at the venue at about 6:30h. Some fanatics were still there from the night before. Oh well, as long as I am in the front-box near the stage, I am OK. And it worked! Conveniently standing in the back of the box, while nearly everybody is trying to urge themselves for a spot near the front of the stage and getting crushed, I had several feet of space in front of me. OK ….. let the games begin. |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – New York / Paris – Bootleg
21. 03/22/1981, New York, The Ritz
Do It All Night / Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Broken / When You Were Mine / Gotta Stop (Messin’ About) / Sexy Dancer / Sister / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Head / Still Waiting / Partyup / Uptown / Crazy You / Dirty Mind // Everybody Dance / Bambi
Bram |
Gotta Stop (Messin’ About). The unique Broken. Nice drained sound as well. Yet, I have to ask: Is everybody wet? |
Edward |
Erwin |
The Dirty Mind Tour visits New York for the second time. The feel is there: we see and hear a super star in the rough, playing an exciting, sexually and musically challenging show. Raw, funky, punky and original. |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – Miles 2 Nowhere – Bootleg
22. 12/31/1987, Minneapolis, Paisley Park
(Sign O’ The Times / Play In The Sunshine / Little Red Corvette / Housequake / Girls & Boys / Slow Love / I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man / Jack U Off) / Now’s The Time / Hot Thing / If I Was Your Girlfriend / Let’s Go Crazy / When Doves Cry / Purple Rain (incl. Auld Lang Syne) / 1999 // U Got The Look / It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Tickets were $ 200 a piece for this benefit show for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless. A tight show that was largely based on the Sign O’ The Times Tour. During the long exciting finale Miles Daves joins Prince and his band. |
Leon |
Prince & Miles Davis….need I say more? |
Vincent |
Prince – City Lights Remastered & Extended Vol. 2 – Bootleg
23. 12/20/1981, Houston, The Summit
Uptown / Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Head / Dirty Mind / Do Me, Baby / Controversy // Let’s Work / Private Joy / Jack U Off
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
A perfect recording of a young Prince who plays the older stuff with abandon. For me, the version of Do Me, Baby is the highlight. |
Prince – Fine Line Cafe – Bootleg
24. 12/05/1987, Minneapolis, Fine Line Music Cafe
Instrumental Jam / Eleven / Villanova Junction / Just My Imagination / Freddie Freeloader / Jack U Off / Chain Of Fools / Housequake
Bram |
Edward |
Picture this: Prince just decided to cancel the infamous Black Album, with CD’s already pressed in the USA (though only present in the corridors of Warners) and half a million (!) LP’s at Alsdorf/Germany, all ready to be shipped to record stores. And then this decision! Followed by this show the very next day ….. I mean, just mind boggling ….. astonishing awesome, to say the least. For that reason only, this show is already magnificent, leaning entirely on jazz. With Dr Fink, Eric Leeds and Sheila E. Very rare show, as it deviates so wonderfully, even from the standard aftershow. With tracks like -there he is again- Villanova Junction (Jimi Hendrix) and Freddy Freeloader (Miles Davis, A Kind Of Blue 1959). |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
Prince – City Lights Remastered & Extended Vol. 2 – Bootleg
25. 12/12/1981, Columbia, Carolina Coliseum
Uptown / Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? / Sexy Dancer / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Head / Dirty Mind / Do Me, Baby / Controversy // Let’s Work / Private Joy / Jack U Off
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
Early Prince, vulgar…playful…very bashful and a huge show-off! Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad… Bitch! You’d better get that off your chest! |
Vincent |
Interpretation and justification
So, there it is: the 25 best live Prince bootlegs according to the A Pop Life panel. Of course, there are things to be said about the list. First off a remark about the addition of the concerts of March 30th, 1985, September 9th, 1988, and November 22nd, 1987 (the release date of the movie Sign O’ The Times). All were officially released as video and/or movie. When they are played, the audio is audible, right? Can they still be called a bootleg then? It’s debatable, but since this list, without it specifically being the intention, geared itself towards audio bootlegs, they have been added to the top 25. The individual lists do contain titles that are against the ‘rules’, but they didn’t make it to the top 25.
Graph – Total by decade
The total amount of 66 different bootlegs/dates were selected:
- 32 of those bootlegs/dates are recordings dating from the 1980’s
- 17 from the 1990’s
- 10 from the 2000’s
- 7 from the 2010’s
Arguably, those numbers correlate with Prince’s artistic development. The main focus, 48.5%, lies with the 1980’s, when he released one brilliant album after another, starting with Dirty Mind all the way up to Lovesexy and was highly innovative on stage. That doesn’t mean nothing interesting happened afterwards. The period 1994/1995 was a particularly exciting and thrilling time, just like 2001/2002, when Prince ‘just played’ around the world with the stunningly perfect band he had at the time. Shows played as part of the Prince Live 2010 and Welcome 2 America Euro Tour were phenomenal.
Graph – Top 25 by decade
Top 25
In the top 25 the emphasis on the decades is even more poignant. A striking 64% of the recordings stem from the 1980’s.
Graph – Top 25 1980’s
Upon closer inspection it seems that 50% of that stem from 1981 and 1987. 1981 was the year Prince was on the Dirty Mind Tour as well as the Controversy Tour. 1987 is the year of the fabulous Sign O’ The Times Tour and multiple very interesting one-off shows.
Graph – Total regular vs one-off
Regular vs one-off
Of all the dates 38% is made up of regular shows, the rest goes to one-off shows. One-off shows are shows that weren’t part of the official tour itinerary, like aftershows, try-outs, television shows, etc. It’s fairly logical the balance is in favor of the one-off shows. It was then that Prince deviated from his usual setlists, took his time to improvise and played without his (regular) instrument configuration (or a stripped down version of it). The result was that those shows were truly exciting where anything could happen and Prince just played for the joy of playing. It’s telling that the number 1 of this list is an aftershow.
Graph – Total by tour
In the top 25 the Controversy Tour is well represented, because 3 different shows are selected, which all ended up rather high on the individual lists. It’s remarkable that the One Nite Alone… Tour contributes the most dates.
I wondered if geography had played any part when compiling the list. All the participants hail from The Netherlands, the country Prince clearly had a weak spot for and where he performed regularly (especially considering the size of the country):
- 36 regular concerts
- 13 aftershows
- 1 television performance
Graph – Total by country
The Dutch part for the dates/shows is 20%. Not bad for such a small country. The question is whether it’s fair or not and whether or not chauvinism plays a part? I don’t think it’s that, but a major factor is that the Dutch shows were visited by the contributors and memories have played a role in compiling the individual lists.
On the other hand, the shows he played in The Netherlands were pretty awesome. The number 1 position for the Dutch aftershow at The Hague is generally accepted by Prince fans and rightly so.
As can be seen in the complete list below, the number 1 really is undisputed with a stunning 118 points. The difference with number 2 is 24 (!) points. After the top 5 titles are mentioned with less than half of the points of the number 1.
Of all the 66 selected shows/dates, just 3 were mentioned by all list providers. These are all part of the top 4 of the combined list. Four shows/dates ended up in the combined list that are selected by only 1 list provider, with Edward having two and Leon and Vincent each having one..
Edward, Erwin and Leon see 60% of their nominations ending up in the final list, followed by Bram (56%) and Vincent (48%).
The complete list
For everyone that just can’t get enough, below the complete list can be viewed. Click the text below to show the complete list.
Date |
Place |
Venue |
Bram |
Edward |
Erwin |
Leon |
Vincent |
Total |
08/19/1988 |
The Hague |
Paard van Troje |
22 |
25 |
23 |
23 |
25 |
118 |
07/18/2009 |
Montreux |
Auditorium Stravinski |
24 |
21 |
22 |
20 |
7 |
94 |
09/09/1988 |
Dortmund |
Westfalenhalle |
25 |
25 |
13 |
23 |
86 |
08/03/1983 |
Minneapolis |
First Avenue |
8 |
23 |
15 |
15 |
22 |
83 |
03/30/1985 |
Syracuse |
Carrier Dome |
15 |
25 |
24 |
64 |
08/31/1990 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo Dome |
20 |
20 |
19 |
59 |
02/13/1994 |
Minneapolis |
Paisley Park |
17 |
18 |
18 |
6 |
59 |
06/07/1984 |
Minneapolis |
First Avenue |
12 |
14 |
21 |
47 |
11/20/1987 |
Sign O’ The Times |
The Movie |
24 |
22 |
46 |
06/15/1987 |
Paris |
New Morning |
23 |
20 |
43 |
04/12/1993 |
San Fransisco |
DNA Lounge |
21 |
19 |
40 |
12/24/1998 |
Utrecht |
Tivoli |
8 |
7 |
21 |
36 |
09/03/1993 |
Lüneburg |
Flugplatz Lüneburg |
19 |
11 |
5 |
35 |
02/28/1982 |
New Orleans |
Saenger Performing Arts Center |
4 |
17 |
13 |
34 |
03/26/1995 |
Amsterdam |
Paradiso |
16 |
18 |
34 |
04/07/1985 |
Miami |
Orange Bowl |
16 |
17 |
33 |
03/21/1987 |
Minneapolis |
First Avenue |
14 |
17 |
31 |
08/18/1986 |
Rotterdam |
Ahoy |
5 |
24 |
29 |
01/19/1991 |
Rio De Janeiro |
Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho / Estádio do Maracana |
13 |
12 |
25 |
03/25/1995 |
Den Bosch |
Brabanthallen |
22 |
22 |
03/22/1981 |
New York |
The Ritz |
16 |
5 |
21 |
12/31/1987 |
Minneapolis |
Paisley Park |
9 |
12 |
21 |
12/20/1981 |
Houston |
The Summit |
20 |
20 |
12/05/1987 |
Minneapolis |
Fine Line Music Cafe |
19 |
19 |
12/12/1981 |
Columbia |
Carolina Coliseum |
18 |
18 |
08/03/1986 |
New York |
Madison Square Garden |
18 |
18 |
04/03/1986 |
Boston |
Metro |
17 |
17 |
06/26/1994 |
Los Angeles |
Glam Slam |
11 |
6 |
17 |
11/22/1999 |
El Álamo |
Estudios El Álamo |
1 |
15 |
16 |
11/02/2002 |
Rotterdam |
Ahoy |
16 |
16 |
08/29/2007 |
London |
3121 at The IndigO2 |
15 |
15 |
06/06/1984 |
Minneapolis |
Warehouse? |
14 |
14 |
11/03/2002 |
Rotterdam |
Nighttown |
14 |
14 |
06/04/1981 |
Paris |
Théâtre Le Palace |
13 |
13 |
12/14/1984 |
Minneapolis |
Studio? |
13 |
13 |
08/11/2013 |
Amsterdam |
Paradiso |
3 |
10 |
13 |
02/10/1983 |
Providence |
Providence Civic Center |
10 |
2 |
12 |
07/10/2011 |
Rotterdam |
Ahoy |
12 |
12 |
07/26/2011 |
Amsterdam |
Melkweg |
12 |
12 |
03/08/1982 |
Minneapolis |
First Avenue |
6 |
1 |
4 |
11 |
05/23/1986 |
San Fransisco |
Warfield Theater |
11 |
11 |
06/13/1987 |
Paris |
Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy |
5 |
6 |
11 |
09/08/1993 |
London |
Beagley’s Warehouse |
11 |
11 |
04/25/2014 |
Amsterdam |
Ziggo Dome |
2 |
9 |
11 |
07/29/1990 |
La Coruña |
Estadio Santa María del Mar |
10 |
10 |
10/29/2002 |
Paris |
Le Bataclan |
10 |
10 |
07/15/2013 |
Montreux |
Auditorium Stravinski |
10 |
10 |
05/06/1994 |
Paris |
Le Bataclan |
9 |
9 |
08/13/1998 |
Brussels |
Vorst Nationaal |
9 |
9 |
04/01/1988 |
Minneapolis |
Paisley Park |
8 |
8 |
02/12/1989 |
Osaka |
Osaka-jo Hall |
8 |
8 |
08/11/1998 |
Rotterdam |
Ahoy |
8 |
8 |
10/28/2002 |
Paris |
Le Zénith |
7 |
7 |
11/15/2002 |
Tokyo |
Kokusai Forum |
7 |
7 |
11/24/2002 |
One Nite Alone… Live |
It Ain’t Over |
7 |
7 |
12/15/2002 |
Las Vegas |
Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts |
5 |
5 |
06/14/2016 |
Atlanta |
Fox Theatre |
4 |
1 |
5 |
10/15/2002 |
Rotterdam |
Ahoy |
4 |
4 |
03/06/1980 |
Atlanta |
The Omni |
3 |
3 |
04/05/1983 |
Denver |
Denver Auditorium Arena |
3 |
3 |
??/??/1984 |
Minneapolis |
Warehouse? |
3 |
3 |
12/17/1999 |
Rave Un2 Year 2000 |
The DVD |
3 |
3 |
03/08/1980 |
Lakeland |
Lakeland Civic Center |
2 |
2 |
09/09/1986 |
Yokohoma |
Yokohoma Stadium |
2 |
2 |
03/23/1995 |
London |
The Emporium |
2 |
2 |
10/18/2010 |
Bergen |
Vestlandshallen |
1 |
1 |
N.B.: Leon’s list had 15 entries. His point system deviates from the others. The highest score remained 25, but instead of decreasing the next items with 1 point, it was 25/15 = 1.6 followed by rounding the outcome.
The individual lists
All lists come with personal commentary, remarks and memories. All lists are enclosed below. Click on one or more lines below.
Prince – Purple Underground Volume Six – Bootleg
Bram’s top 25 Prince live bootlegs
- Lovesexy, Lovesexy Live, Dortmund 9/9/1988
Well, this one has had a lot of coverage already here. See of May 10th, 2018, and September 9th, 2018. We could go on forever. Okay then, one more thing: ‘Snare drum pounds on the 2 and 4…’ And off we go!
- Lotusflow3r, Dusk Till Dawn, show 1 and 2!! Montreux one-off show 7/18/2009
Technically the real number 1. Not one single flaw! Two great shows in one evening! What isn’t … good, brilliant, exceptional? The band, the vocals, the guitar solos, the setlist. Goosebumps from start to finish!
- SOTT, He’s Got The Look, Paris aftershow 6/15/1987
Paisley Park, pay attention! Open up the vaults and release this. Some aftershow! If he had only played What Did I Do? (called Wasn’t My Faith on the bootleg) that night, it would have been sufficient. But then, the finale is about to start…
- Lovesexy, Trojan Horse, The Hague aftershow 8/19/1988
There I was at the crush barriers in front of ‘t Paard. I’m about to witness my first ever aftershow ever (a term I had never even heard of at the time). Satisfied by my very first Prince show ever at the Rotterdam Stadium just a few hours before. Man, I was pumped! Nice spot in the front of the row, so everything would turn out great. And then… then I woke up.
- Act I, Star Light Lounge, San Fransico aftershow 4/12/1993
- Nude Tour, Stripped Down, Tokyo 8/31/1990
What a great tour. Many hits, all in great arrangements. Masterly version of When Doves Cry (with bass!). ‘Ahhhh, Do Me, Baby…’
- Act II, Rock Over Germany, Lüneburg 9/3/1993
Another exciting era. What was he doing? No name, new, incredible songs. Great versions of Girls & Boys, She’s Always In My Hair, Irresistible Bitch and… The Beautiful Ones!
- Parade: H&R, America, New York 8/3/1986
Mutiny, Controversy. Do I have to continue? Alright then, one more: Head.
- pre The Gold Experience, R u Xperienced?, Minneapolis one-off show 2/13/1994
A great compact set. Days Of Wild, Now, Peak The Technique. Pure bliss.
- Dirty Mind, New York 3/22/1981
Gotta Stop (Messin’ About). The unique Broken. Nice drained sound as well. Yet, I have to ask: Is everybody wet?
- 21 Nights Planet Earth, Indigo Chronicals Three, London aftershow 8/29/2007
Guitar night. It goes on and on; one masterly solo after another. Chaos And Disorder, I Like It There. Love it.
- pre SOTT, 4 Those Of You On Valium, Minneapolis one-off show 3/21/1987
How great all those perform… ‘Shut up already!’
- pre D&P, Rock In Rio II, Rio one-off show 19-1-1991
Another playful performance. There’s just no stopping it. Contains a Baby I’m A Star finale that lasts almost 30 minutes. Great. ‘There you go, there you go, it’s the…!’
- pre PR, Night Before The Reign, Minneapolis one-off show 6/7/1984
Roadhouse Garden, 17 Days, All Day All Night. And then some. Unique show. ‘Sitting in this cafe, waiting for my baby…’ Sweet.
- pre The Gold Experience, Glam Slam West, Los Angeles one-off show 6/26/1994
I never heard Days Of Wild and Now sound that fierce. Or is this because of the sharpness of the (audience)recording? Anyway: fantastic set.
- Rainbow Children, Whole lotta Love, Paris aftershow 10/29/2002
‘Party till the sun comes up’. No lie.
- New Power Soul, The Freak, Brussels 13-8-1998
Great to hear Prince ‘really’ get to ‘work’ (and having witnessed it). The technics and band weren’t up to par at the start of the show. ‘Mike! you missed the whole solo.’ ‘Come on fool!’ ‘Act like you got some soul’, Prince yells out. He tries to sharpen the band’s performance during Talkin’ Loud And Sayin’ Nothin’. One break after another. A non functional keyboard is kicked, sliding it across the stage. That’s not what he meant by remarking ‘Keyboard up in the mix!’ ‘Takumi take it off.’ And, the lighting isn’t too great either: ‘This light doesn’t match my SUIT!’ But he was on fire that night: Larry was there and he was obviously happy about that.
- pre PR, Rainmaker/Purple Rush, Minneapolis one-off show 8/3/1983
History in the making, that’s what they say. Contains the beautiful Electric Intercourse.
- Rainbow Children, One Nite Alone In Paris, Le Zenith Paris 10/28/2002
Open rehearsal. Main show and immediately following that, off we go to the aftershow (also part of this list). IT JUST GOES ON AND ON. It ain’t over!, that’s what’s that called.
- Controversy, Second Coming, Minneapolis one-off show 3/8/1982
Bizarre version of Bambi. Bizarre version of All The Critics Love U In New York. One of the first, sort of , aftershows? Anyone?
- SOTT, SOTT Live, Paris 6/13/1987
Sign O’ The Times, Play In The Sunshine, Hot Thing. Nuff said.
- Controversy, Jack U Off/City Lights vol. 2 New Orleans 2/28/1982
Choices, choices. Changed my mind, and ultimately picked this classic release Jack U Off. Despite the lesser quality in sound than on Just A Freak, this show is tighter.
- 1999 Tour, Billy Sunglasses, Denver 4/5/1983
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore, Let’s Work, all superb songs. It’s hard choosing from the many recordings from this era. On the first song ‘x’ is somewhat tighter and better, on the second it’s song ‘y’. So, in this case I choose this recently published recording. Historic Prince tour.
- Rick James support Tour, I’m Just a freak, Lakeland 3/8/1980
Every saga has a beginning…
- Prince Live 2010, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Bergen 10/18/2010
What a great tour this was. And what a comeback after the disappointing Werchter earlier that same year. Prince was fully revived. Also contains a beautiful version of The Love We Make.
Prince – Le Bataclan – Bootleg
Edward’s top 25 Prince live bootlegs
- Trojan Horse, The Hague (Aug 18, 1988)
Do we really need any explanation here? Alright, one more time: religiously quoted by fans and fanatics alike as the greatest nightly show Prince ever played. So, why is that? This show has everything in the can: funk (Housequake, D.M.S.R.), ballad-gospel style (I’ll Take You There), rock (Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic) …. you name it. Absolute highlights: the unknown People Without, with a touch of drama at the beginning. The magical Just My Imagination, phenomenal guitar work. Insane vocals by Boni Boyer on Down Home Blues, Kansas City, Cold Sweat and Still Would Stand All Time (which would only surface 2 years later on Graffiti Bridge). And to top it all off: a prehistoric yet the best version ever of Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic especially with that absolute genius Hendrix-esque climax. And then, after this unforgettable experience of two hours, Prince is exhausted. This show is so unbelievable relaxed and without a vibe like ‘oh-damn-having-to-do-another-aftershow’, it all goes down like a sweet cake …. probably because your mouth is so wide open from the sheer amazement you’re experiencing. The real fun part of these adventures until the early morning hours -in comparison to the regular concerts-: there is no frills here, no upschmuck. And a minimum of hits played to please the average concert visitor. Just tracks played at random or surprisingly inspirational covers here. Side note: all release of this particular boot are just fine, but still having a strong preference for the Sabotage remaster called Trojan Horse, as this one has the least amount of hiss in the background and the most beautiful design on the artwork.
- Sign O’ The Times, the movie (Nov 1987)
After disappointing record sales on Sign O’ The Times in the USA, Prince felt no need to do an American leg of the tour. Yet his star was rising to unprecedented heights in Europe. So, what does one do? You make a concert movie! Quite easy to produce, but what a product! A real classic. Cannot be absent in any list, in my opinion. Filmed during the concerts Rotterdam and Antwerp (!), and naturally substantially tweaked @ Paisley Park, though not spoiling the sheer fun. Phenomenal versions on the überfunky Hot Thing and Forever In My Life in particular, together representing 20 minutes like Prince never sounded before. Seriously, if you don’t have this one ….. just saying: major flaw.
- The Rainmaker / The Avenue (MPLS, Aug 1983)
History in the making, and therefor essential. The first ever live takes on Let’s Go Crazy, Computer Blue and the basis for Baby I’m A Star and Purple Rain, last mentioned here in its original uncut eclectic 13 minute version, the very original version for the soon to be released album, with extra (later deleted) verse. An emotional Electric Intercourse, only played during this show. And the not often played Automatic while on the 1999 Tour ….. simply a formidable set.
- Ultimate Live Experience, Brabanthallen/NL (25th of March 1995)
My favorite tour of all times. Prince was angry (@ WB) and it showed. Absolute no old Prince trax, only mere new material of the Gold era. His displeasure was not only showcased while ‘Slave’ written on his cheek, also the fierce guitar work was blissful: Endorphinmachine, The Jam, The Ride, Peach ….. what a delicious concert. Nice memories! Friday, the 24th of March I was already on my way to Den Bosch, a quick check-in at the hotel and off to the Brabanthallen where Prince is playing the first concert (and having no ticket for that one). But one could hear it well, just standing outside. But then ….. the doors opened at the sideway, visitors leaving angry …. at first, I didn’t understand. What’s happening here? Upon inquiry, it became obvious that they were leaving as Prince was not playing the familiar hits …… eeeh, yeah duuuuh! But for every concertgoer that left, one was admitted entrance for free. But I didn’t want to spoil my pleasures of the following day with a concert that I had already seen. Besides, I have the conviction that I only want to visit one concert every tour, otherwise it wouldn’t be special to me anymore. That said, one could hear it very well outside as the doors stayed open the whole time after that. With a small group, we had decided we would await for Prince and Mayte to come outside, behind the venue, where the limousine was at the ready. After the final track Gold, they came outside very quickly, where a handful of fans were waving at them. He gently waved back at us …… So, the next day getting up before the dawn and arriving at the venue at about 6:30h. Some fanatics were still there from the night before. Oh well, as long as I am in the front-box near the stage, I am OK. And it worked! Conveniently standing in the back of the box, while nearly everybody is trying to urge themselves for a spot near the front of the stage and getting crushed, I had several feet of space in front of me. OK ….. let the games begin (see, also number 10, containing part 2 of this story).
- From Dusk Till Dawn, Montreux (July 2009)
Insane versions of Little Red Corvette, Stratus, Spanish Castle Magic, In A Large Room With No Light, She Spoke To Me, Empty Room. Mighty beautiful styled show. The magnificent designed 3-CD set of EYE Records, including purple inner sleeves, is an absolute must for any eye. In addition, available on DVD, as well.
- He’s Got The Look, aftershow Paris (June 1987)
Should this one be at an even higher spot, you ask yourself? A frenzied ecstatic show, this one. Already quite the credit, if one dares to include a Jimi Hendrix track (Red House) in one’s set. It shows courage. Looking further into the show, it contains improvised bits ‘n pieces of less familiar trax on Prince and Madhouse, which is excelling at (this boot mentioned) Charlie Parker and Wasn’t My Faith. Also available as Peach & Black with extra one-off show @ Rupert’s/MPLS (Sept 5, 1987).
- Fine Line Jazz Café, one-off show (Dec 5, 1987)
Picture this: Prince just decided to cancel the infamous Black Album, with CD’s already pressed in the USA (though only present in the corridors of Warners) and half a million (!) LP’s at Alsdorf/Germany, all ready to be shipped to record stores. And then this decision! Followed by this show the very next day ….. I mean, just mind boggling ….. astonishing awesome, to say the least. For that reason only, this show is already magnificent, leaning entirely on jazz. With Dr Fink, Eric Leeds and Sheila E. Very rare show, as it deviates so wonderfully, even from the standard aftershow. With tracks like -there he is again- Villanova Junction (Jimi Hendrix) and Freddy Freeloader (Miles Davis, A Kind Of Blue 1959).
- Valentine show (Feb 1994)/Beautiful Experience
Its title R U Xperienced? says it all. Again, Hendrix. Could it serve as an inspiration? U better believe it! Another delightful show with a leading roll for the guitar. With the Warners disagreement in full swing, resulting in new material only. No acid colored rain or doves crying, only mere Now, Days Of Wild, The Ride, Interactive, The Jam, Shhh, a playful improv on Peak The Technique (Eric B & Rakim). Deliciously fierce!
- Jack U Off / Controversy tour (New Orleans, Feb 1982)
One of the first boots, available at WOM in Berlin in 1990. And even on marvelous colored vinyl. What a show! Sentiments running through my veins. Unfathomable and limitless interpretations of Head and Dirty Mind. Take the bite!
- Paradiso 1995 NL (26 March 1995)
The second show @ Paradiso which I thought to be better than the first. Certainly more entertaining. With a leading role for Peach, I just like this song when played live. The night before was resting on somewhat more funk while at this second night, the guitar was pulled again. Amazing versions of The Jam, Zannalee, The Undertaker, Endorphinmachine and Peach naturally.
(part 2 Brabanthallen/Paradiso): during the day, waiting for the concert, we already heard that Prince was gonna show up @ Paradiso that night. One motherfucker was already in the possession of a mobile with which she could warn her mother who was able to arrange a ticket for her. Lucky devil. Tickets were doing 700 dutch guilders (more than 17 times its original pricetag!). Girl 6 in question didn’t know where the Paradiso venue was at, so as a good citizen of Amsterdam stupido Eddy offered to bring here about ….. soaking up the atmosphere, I thought optimistically. Not a great idea though, when you can’t get in. The next day, local TV station AT5 mentioned: apparently Prince likes the Paradiso, because he is playing again tonight. What?! (mind you, we are still in the internet free days here). So, getting dressed and run like hell. And what happens? Somehow, there’s always some kind of magic spell surrounding Prince ….. it always plays out fine somehow in the end. Tickets were, again, doing regal prices. But this time, I encountered a buddy from the UK. His girlfriend had become ill and stayed at the hotel. So, he had one ticket left! Oh yes! And thus, I went in for -indeed- 40 guilders. The way it should be…..
- Purple Rain tour, Syracuse (March 1985)
My very first introduction with Prince live. There Eddy was, in the middle of the night at 03:00 …… waiting for New York, @ 21:00 hours. I had to see this live, no not taping, just live! Word had just got out that he wasn’t coming to Europe with this tour. Besides, the new record was all ready and coming to the shops a week later: Around The World In A Day. Part of the phenomenal Temptation of that album was already played during this very show. Yammie! marvelous tour @ which all tracks of the Purple Rain LP were played. Plus a sensual Do Me, Baby and the sexual tinted How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore? Take notice btw of the already present dichotomy here, later used again in the Lovesexy shows; he is talking to God halfway into the spectacle: OK, I’ll be good ….. but (in this tour) carries on playing the rude boy with Darling Nikki and the ego-trotting Baby I’m A Star. While during Lovesexy it’s more evident: first the evil & sexual, then the good & the sacred. If I can name a disadvantage of Syracuse: It’s a pretty styled show, I think it lacks a bit more raunchiness. And yet, just as well I was watching my eyeballs out for an hour and a half. It ends with over 30 minutes of highlights: Baby I’m A Star (11 minutes) and a whopping 20 minutes of the Purple Rain apotheosis.
- Night Before The Reign, birthday show 1984
The prequel to Syracuse? Not quite. With wonderfully spunky versions of extremely unusual trax: 17 Days, Irresistible Bitch, All Day All Night, Noon Rendezvous, Possessed, even Something In he Water (Does Not Compute) is a remarkable version. And then as an extra treat the unknown and otherwise never used Roadhouse Garden & Our Destiny. Great show, beautifully designed bootleg from EYE with the complete show of 85 minutes.
- Dirty Mind Paris (June 1981)
The only one of the 3 shows of this tour in Europe that has also been recorded (audio and image!), so for a historical reason mentioned here. After all: Every Fairytale Has A Beginning. The entire LP is played, the B-side Gotta Stop (Messin’ About) and the as yet unknown Jack U Off which only appeared on the Controversy LP six months later. A blowjob of no less than 14 minutes (Head) and immediately after, another 9 minutes of Still Waiting (on what?!). The climax accumulates in a still considerably lesbian Bambi. Sex from the beginning till the end. Ergo: Lust U Always.
- Melkweg, Amsterdam/NL (juli 2011)
2x most delicious shows with no known showstoppers, just the whole horizon, the whole pallet of flavors, this time with a lot of adventure. What’s My Name, Calhoun Square, Love Is A Losing Game, What The World Needs Now Is Love, Dreamer, Crimson And Clover, Beautiful Strange, Chocolate, Flashlight and an especially easy digestible I Like It There. Though hard to swallow: the sometimes endless shouting of Shelby. Shut up already, damn!
- Rock Over Germany/Lüneburg (Sept 1993)
What a wonderful tour. The show @ the Brabanthallen (Peach, Act 2) could also have been a possibility here. But he is clearly doing his better best with the world listening in for Lüneburg, as the concert was broadcasted live on radio. The Act 1 (tour USA) focused on the Symbol album from 1992 ….. terrible! With one of the worst trax Prince ever entrusted on record: Blue Light. What a horror. Fortunately Act 2 (Europe) was a greatest hits tour, so all the classics are served: 1999, When Doves Cry, Purple Rain, Let’s Go Crazy, Kiss, Girls & Boys, Sign O’ The Times, Diamonds And Pearls, Sexy MF. Shortly after, he would make a major change, turning himself into an unpronounceable symbol. No more old hits. So enjoy it once more! Great ending in this show with America – Gett Off – The Pope – and yes, another unparalleled Peach.
- Stripped Down, La Coruna/Spain (July 1990)
Live broadcasted on the telly in the summer of 1990. Our Partyman at the top of his game (unfortunately without Candy)! Including a very terrific version of The Question Of U. And also played live: The Future, Electric Man ….. scandalously delicious!
- Bataclan 1994 (May 1994)
A delicious bootleg with -again- only new material after the name change. Among others, the live premiere of the song Gold. Excellent versions of The Ride, The Jam, Dark, Race, Now, Interactive and even the then unknown Solo (!). He ends again with a grandiose ….. Peach. For dessert, Endorphinmachine from the performance at Canal + is also present on this set. The boot is also in this list because of the attractive cover: a beautifully colored Prince à la Hendrix that adorns the front. A lovely total package, just the way like it. I’ve always been very sensitive to well designed packages.
- R U Gonna Go My Way? Tivoli/Utrecht/NL (Dec 1998)
Strange days indeed. In the context of nice anecdotes ….. the 23rd. of December 1998 …. 6:30 in the morning at the Oranjehal in Utrecht, we were nrs. 3 and 4 to arrive, according to the sequence numbers that were distributed to the first 1.000 visitors. So, that meant a guaranteed spot in the front of the box near the stage. It was freezing winter so by the time the doors opened (@ 6 p.m.) we now had purple legs. No longer remembering what happened exactly, but a really good place close to the stage? Nope. The concert was not one would pronounce: unforgettable. Although The Christ (new version The Cross) was certainly impressive. Larry Graham stole the show again, not at all to my interest, always the same trick, plucking his bass, yes we know it already. And the sound wasn’t too good either. Alas, it was just not my day, I guess. All this led to the legendary statement: well, what am I worried about? The bootleg sounds better anyway! ……. we thought to be smart, leaving a little earlier so that we would arrive @ Tivoli on time. Because the aftershow would be at that location, we had already heard during the day. Because of this, we missed out on the finale with Kravitz ….. …… once we arrived on the canals, we no longer knew where we were exactly, so we hailed the first taxi near us. We settled very comfortably in the back seat. Where to? said the taxi driver, relieved and cheerful, probably his first ride that evening. We said: quickly, to Tivoli. Yes, he says, you mean: there? Pointing at a little over 200 meters away. Oh …. OK, thank you so much ….. so, out on the other side of the taxi. Duuuuuh!! Waiting at the immensely long line outside on the canal, Prince suddenly appeared in a living room above the Tivoli for a little dance, a very special moment: Prince in a canal house in Utrecht. And God, were we tired ….. so doubting ….. can we still make it? ….. almost running away ….. no, back again …… and (without exaggeration) we were among the last 10 visitors that went inside, locking the door behind us. The entrance fee was then 70 guilders (after all, it was 1998, there was no € yet). At the aftershow we were, oddly enough, almost at the front, despite the fact we came in last. With greats by the likes of Lenny Kravitz, Candy and Hans Dulfer, Larry Graham and the master himself in a beautiful purple 70’s trenchcoat, I still remember. I guess, to please Kravitz, no doubt. An amazing and relaxed show followed, with trax being played such as Superstition, The Undertaker, Chameleon, Mad and Kravitz’ Are You Gonna Go My Way? Towards the end when Gett Off started, about 5 o’clock in the morning, I think I was sleeping against the wall. I was really exhausted. However, a final characteristic event would take place (yes, indeed …. we really heard it!) ….. Prince was playing the last track 2001 Also Sprach Zarathustra (van A Space Odyssey) and spoke the illustrious words: Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb ….. better watch out USA ….. 2001. We’re talking Christmas 1998 here ….. no 9/11 had happened yet! That was only 3 years later. Naturally fueling wild speculations after September 11: did Prince already know about it? Did Prince have connections with Osama? Yeah right! Whateva ……
- It Ain’t Over, USA 2002
WTF?! es, this CD deserves a place in everyone’s top 25. Only available thru the One Night Alone live box set. Powerful jazzy & funky aftershow, recorded during the ONA tour in the USA at the beginning of 2002. Very idiosyncratic versions of Dorothy Parker, Girls & Boys and (eeeeh, can I still mention this track?) Peach. And please, just do not forget about the crazy version of Joy In Repetition here! Amazing guitar work! Really a classic, this CD.
Side-note: technically speaking, no bootleg, as it was officially released by Prince.
- Glam Slam West 1994, version North to South, EYE Records with dvd (June 1994)
One more time, because, as already mentioned, this period deserves a few places in the top 25. Great show with purely new material. The Ride, The Jam, Shhh and finally even Dolphin here ….. a joy to listen to. And wow, this package! The DVD is phenomenal since it contains even more thrills than the CD. The images also include Come, Space, Interactive, Acknowledge Me and Loose! voorbij. Sweet cake material.
- Manic Monday – Parade Tour/Rotterdam/NL (Aug 1986)
Although, unfortunately I never got to see it live: great tour, tight band. This particular evening, the setting is @ Rotterdam. Prince is even playing Manic Monday, hence the title of this boot, which at the time only appeared in a limited edition of 500. Great elongated versions of America and Purple Rain. Then why on #21 and not any higher? In 1986, my Prince fandom was in quite a dip, was not too crazy about Parade. The bald arrangements, I wasn’t sure how to digest it all. Predecessor Around The World In A Day: fantastico. Mountains: deliciously! Parade: mwoah. …. and so I didn’t worry too much when it was mentioned that Prince was coming over for concerts. It took a long time before I started to appreciate the album, a very long time. It was Girls & Boys, I think, years later when I finally saw that ‘worthless’ movie Under The Cherry Moon on TV, oeh, that was funky and fun … and gradually started listening to the rest of the LP. Still not my favorite, but this boot has had a lot of good influence. In 2016, a beautiful remaster was released, with better sound, only available in Japan.
- Atlanta 2016, a microphone and a piano (14th of April 2016)
This list surely is in need of some sentiment. Ergo, the very last concert Prince ever played on this earth on April 14, 2016, exactly one week before his unfortunate passing. Beautiful and modest concerts (2 pieces!) with only the piano and a voice. Beautiful & moody interpretations of Joy In Repetition, Muse 2 The Pharoah, Elephants And Flowers, Girl, and symbolically ending with his biggest hit ever Purple Rain, the last song he ever played live. Ironically, he also played Heroes / Bowie that night, who died just 3 months before. This release of EYE had to be included in the list, not only because of the sad sentiment attached to it, but certainly also because of the beautiful design of the CD package in a worldwide numbered limited edition of only 700 copies: gold discs, and gold reflective letters on the CD booklet. Full circle: GOLD indeed!
- Paradiso/NL (Aug 2013)
First, some striking facts, just like #22 with 2 shows the same evening. Prince is coming to Europe for a number of exclusive performances and will visit very few countries only; The Netherlands is one of the lucky ones, performing unexpectedly with his new band 3rd Eye Girl. Tickets were on sale just 2 days before and of course, as usual, a sell out within 10 minutes. The shows heavily rely on solid rock …. and therefore played extremely inspiring. The sound that day was ear-damaging, Deep Purple would have been proud of Prince, I expect. Electrifying versions of Let’s Go Crazy, Endorphinmachine, Screwdriver, Plectrumelectrum, Fixurlifeup, Bambi, Stratus, The Love We Make….. really awesome. Unfortunately, a bootleg of Paradiso 2013 was never released, but luckily there is a recording: in a nice 4-cd package, with the 2 complete shows and accompanying photos of the evening. Of course, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of a nice storytelling of the evening itself: during a long wait in line outside for the first concert (beginning at 7:30 PM), which reached as far as the gate to the Vondelpark (!), we had plenty of time to contemplate what would be an ideal place, which we would all be satisfied with. Some people want to be at the front of the stage, others think a spot on the balcony above is just fine. Considering our average age and the energy level present that day (or lack thereof) we went for the balcony upstairs @ Paradiso, just about in the middle. Left or right? A perfect place, in my opinion: having a nice overview from everybody below and you get all the dynamics in the room as well. Sound-wise it is also great: you are not directly in front of a box, so the sounds are coming to you more subtly, nice and easy. Anyway, this is the spot, that’s what we go for. We were among the first 100 people who are allowed to enter; the usual suspects are in this group, the superfans, and they usually go for a spot near the stage, as close as possible, just not my cup of tea. So upon entering, immediately running up the stairs on the left and woppa, passing the swinging doors, towards the first row of seats in the middle. Are we all seated? YES! Everyone is happy. There’s still quite a long evening and night ahead of us, as a second show was to follow. After a first fantastic rock show, everyone had to go outside again, yes … even those who had a ticket for the second show. Once outside, I was really shocked: in my opinion, the queue was even longer than the first. So, immediately I thought: OK bye, I’m not heading for the end of the queue. Happiness, however, was just around the corner: somewhere in line, there were acquaintances and yes, how did you guess? Within the first 150, again! Under the guise of: hey, you here too ?! (as if we didn’t know that) ….. of course we joined in line, duuuh! But still, we courteously asked a couple of people behind us if they didn’t mind. Fortunately, not a typical Dutch response, they were just fine with it. YES! When opportunity knocks, after all, nobody says no, right? So again, within the first group that could run inside. OK, same place, same boogie? Yes! And what do you think? We were in exactly the same place as the first show. Hahaha. Act 2 again started with the announcement by Hannah from the backing band that there was an absolute ban on photography tonight: Enjoy the music, was the credo, not Facebook. It became clear afterwards, the strict enforcement was insisted on by Prince’s personal copyright mania. At both sides of the stage, two security guards were constantly checking the room. In the afternoon, posters were hung everywhere to take notice of the recording ban. Afterwards, De Volkskrant devoted an article on it: at least five visitors were relentlessly removed when taking a snapshot. At exiting, their mobiles were confiscated and all pics had to be removed, they were not allowed to leave any sooner. As a core Prince fanatic, I really didn’t mind at all …. a concert without spectators who constantly wave their phone about, annoyingly filming everything, is just fine actually. The opposite being terribly disturbing during the performances in Melkweg two years earlier. Anyway ……. back to the second show: unlike the first show, it wasn’t immediately rock from the get-go, at first a more quiet beginning. But pretty soon after that, it was rock again. All of this was slowly built up to a climax, typical goose bumps, with a screaming Prince shrieking at times, a voice that went straight through one’s backbone. And new versions of old trax proving one thing: some songs get a wonderful second life when they are brought live. As an example, the second show ended what the first started with: an outright roaring sensation through the newly invented Let’s Go Crazy Reloaded.
- Emporium (London, 23 March 1995)
Having one holy intention: The Undertaker CD also had to be included in this list. But, it’s a rehearsal and only semi-live. So what do you do? You choose an aftershow, this one, at which he’s playing The Undertaker in its entirety. The Undertaker: another defunct project before it was in stores (this time with the Guitar Magazine, in late 1994); and here too real CDs are pressed (and leaked, of course). When Warners vetoed the CD, the word “slave” appeared on his cheek soon thereafter at every show. Tracklisting of the CD: The Ride, Poorgoo, Honky Tonk Women, Bambi, Zannalee and The Undertaker ….. it is a delight to listen to. Yammie! And therefore in this list. The Emporium is wonderful anyway: a bluesy show with unusual trax like Asswoop, 17, even Days Of Wild (a whopping 16 minutes) and Sexy MF in a blues jacket, with P Control and Funky Design finishing off the set. Enthusiastic audience but fortunately not as obnoxious (lovely word) as the average show in the USA. And again a remarkable anecdote to conclude with: until last week I didn’t have this CD (!). The one from the day before, also in Emporium / London, but not this one. I don’t know why in God’s name, probably because I already had so many from this tour: Paradiso, The Pod, The Astoria. However, when I looked at a fairly complete bootlist on the web, I suddenly noticed the tracklisting of this show with the complete Undertaker being present. And lucky me: a good friend of mine owns every show from Prince digitally, so one WhatsApp was enough and 10 minutes later I was already listening to this aftershow. Hence the late addition to include this one in the list, at the expense of Bridge Over Cool Water (20ten tour).
- Downtown Danceteria/MPLS First Avenue (8th of March 1982)
Special collectors edition in a beautiful purple digipack, CD: 89 min. Just delicious, this kind of releases. And one of the first, if not THE first one-off show of its kind. Miraculously raw versions of Bambi, All The Critics Love U In New York (not released at that time yet! The 1999 album was released at the end of October 1982), Still Waiting, Head, Sexuality. The Time also came to play a tune on Dance To The Beat and The Stick. Wonderfully boisterous raw show, though sometimes a bit messy. Hence the closing of the gate, as they say. Also available on Second Coming / EYE.
It was super fun, compiling this list; quite difficult, not so much the top 10, but rather what came after that. Why is number 12 better than number 19? I don’t even know for sure yet, but you have to make a decision. Also, it was somewhat therapeutic: putting the adventures and sentiments surrounding Prince in writing: the purchased CD’s over the past 30 years, the concerts, the aftershows …..
And yes …. I already know: I’m going to get brutally slaughtered ….. no Lovesexy?! No Dortmund (Sept 1988) …. WTF? No indeed, unfortunately. Agree: a nice tour. And although my first encounter with Prince live in person: it is simply too much for me to process, and having the same opinion about the album itself. Specifically the concert: it’s all going too fast for me, songs are too short and the dichotomy evil & good …. I don’t believe it. Sorry, can’t help it. Certainly not after the just discarded though phenomenal black LP.
Bridge Over Cool Water, Noorwegen Oct 2010: this show simply starts phenomenally with a screaming guitar in The Love We Make, one of my favorites from the Prince live oeuvre. A wonderfully majestic song. So, there actually is still something beautiful on Emancipation, but that aside….. Furthermore, not that a remarkable show, hence unfortunately dropped from the list by the surprise find of Emporium last week. Fortunately with a wonderful Mountains and Forever In My Life. And a funky approach on Cool (The Time). Everything presented in a nice, smooth and seasoned mode. Con: as mentioned earlier (see Melkweg) I don’t like Shelby’s vocals. Too much: c’mon c’mon and other useless shoutouts. From 1998 on, Prince spotlighted his guests too much anyway: Larry Graham etc. Previously that was limited to just 1 track (Rosie Gaines, Sheila E), but for example during the 20ten tour, Shelby B, she owns a third of the show. I’ve had it already.
Other bubbling unders: 4 Those On U On Valium (March 1987) / Opus 2007 / Musicology 2004 LA Theatre / LA61 Welcome 2 America ……
Looking at the list, you will notice: only 7 regular shows / tours and for the rest (18x) all one-offs / aftershows.
translated by Edward
Prince – 2nigsunited4WestRotterdam – Bootleg
Erwin’s top 25 Prince live bootlegs
- 09/09/1988, Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
Well, the fantastic fabulous Lovesexy Tour. What’s more to be said? If you don’t like this one, just give it up. Prince at his best? Most likely, yes. Perfect registration, perfect sound. And… I was there (also read 30 years ago, the most special show I ever witnessed).
- 08/18/1986, Rotterdam, Ahoy
My very first ever Prince show, with The Revolution. The sound quality isn’t 100%, but I played this to death. I know every shout, yelp, remark by heart. The superb Parade Tour came to The Netherlands. I was there and my life would never be the same again (also read 30 years ago, the best show I ever witnessed).
- 08/19/1988, The Hague, Paard van Troje
(aftershow) The mother of all aftershows. Perfect recording that captures Prince at his zenith, who relaxes during this two hours long aftershow. With arguably his best guitar solo: Just My Imagination.
- 07/18/2009, Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski
(Montreux Jazz Festival) Scary perfection during both shows played on that one day. A super band (with master drummer John Blackwell) that plays with the upmost concentration, and audible fun. Two incredibly exciting sets.
- 06/07/1984, Minneapolis, First Avenue
Prince turns 26 years old that day. What else is there to do than do a show on your birthday? Beautiful document of that space in time. When Doves Cry has just been released, the album and the movie Purple Rain are just around the corner. Prince is at the abyss of super stardom and plays a beautiful set containing a number of songs that would never be released (during his lifetime).
- 08/31/1990, Tokyo, Tokyo Dome
The ridiculously tight (and sparse) Nude Tour; a phenomenal performance. The new The Question Of U, followed by the best version of When Doves Cry ever. The moment the bass enters the mix…
- 21-04-1993, San Fransisco, DNA Lounge
(aftershow) The Come aftershow, the most horny and exciting performance of that song ever. C O M E, now what’s that spell?. Holy f#@k.
- 02/13/1994, Minneapolis, Paisley Park Studios
This show signaled the end of the meager years. When this was played on the Dutch radio at the time, I was blown away. The new direction was very, very good indeed. Songs like Days Of Wild and Now are still part of my favorite songs ever.
- 03/21/1987, Minneapolis, First Avenue
(try out) The masterpiece Sign O’ The Times was about to be released, Prince had a new band and wanted to see how it all would play out in a real live setting. Well: perfectly. Energetic set that primarily focused on new songs, which were unbeknownst to the audience in the venue.
- 04/07/1985, Miami, Orange Bowl
Last show of the huge Purple Rain Tour. Prince and band are in rare form, probably happy that it’s finished, but they still give it their all for the last time and it shows. Fantastic show!
- 08/03/1983, Minneapolis, First Avanue
(recording night Purple Rain) The most important show of Prince’s career? Probably. The base for no less than 3 songs that ended up on the Purple Rain album were played and recorded on this very night. Magical evening.
- 11/03/2002, Rotterdam, Nighttown
(aftershow) Any other aftershow of the impressive One Nite Alone… Tour could have filled this spot. Why this one then? Prince and band played a couple of songs they hadn’t played before or have done since. Glorious guitar work and the funk in da house. And, on a side note, I was there.
- 02/28/1982, New Orleans, Saenger Performing Arts Center
A great night on the Controversy Tour. Steaming and rocking versions of a great selection of songs. Prince and band are tight, focused and exciting.
- 01/19/1991, Rio De Janeiro, Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho / Estádio do Maracană
(Rock In Rio II) Tight, fast and exciting. This show even entertains the chairs in your living room. I would have loved to have been there.
- 05/23/1986, San Fransisco, Warfield Theater
An extremely funky show at the start of the ‘hit n run’ shows of the Parade Tour. And, something quite remarkable happens. The band messes up. Restart. A ridiculously funky and lengthy Controversy, Mutiny (with Dream Factory chants) are up. On the one … Good God!. Heavenly.
- 02/10/1983, Providence, Providence Civic Center
A show from the second part of the 1999 Tour. Great show, great sound and a fine example of just how good the 1999 Tour was.
- 12/31/1987, Minneapolis, Paisley Park
(benefit) Tickets were $ 200 a piece for this benefit show for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless. A tight show that was largely based on the Sign O’ The Times Tour. During the long exciting finale Miles Daves joins Prince and his band.
- 02/12/1989, Osaka, Osaka-jō Hall
The Japanse leg of the Lovesexy Tour, that would ensure the tour would break even financially. Prince didn’t want to do it, he wanted to work on his latest project Batman. But, it doesn’t show during this phenomenal, energetic show.
- 11/15/2002, Tokyo, Kokusai Forum
The fantastic One Nite Alone… Tour arrives in Japan. Probably not the best sound quality, but the show itself sparkles and is genius.
- 06/13/1987, Paris, Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy
Prince and his Sign O’ The Times Tour in Paris in perfect sound quality. Required listening.
- 03/22/1981, New York, The Ritz
The Dirty Mind Tour visits New York for the second time. The feel is there: we see and hear a super star in the rough, playing an exciting, sexually and musically challenging show. Raw, funky, punky and original.
- 03/08/1982, Minneapolis, First Avenue
(one-off show) Prince relaxes and has fun, with The Time as well!
- 03/06/1980, Atlanta, The Omni
Prince is the support act to Rick James. Many of the typical Prince musical tricks are already there. Great recording stemming from the famous City Lights bootleg box.
- 09/09/1986, Yokohoma, Yokohoma Stadium
The very last show by Prince And The Revolution. An emotional end to a period that was crucial to Prince and his development. It also serves as a goodbye to a lot of friends. Prince went out on his own again.
- 11/22/1999, El Álamo, Estudios El Álamo
Motherless Child. The end.
Prince – Boston Metro – Bootleg
Leon’s top 25 Prince live bootlegs
Here it is! I don’t make it up to 25, since I am not a collector in the quantitative way and I can’t fall back on a huge collection. I made a choice based on which shows move me the most, which are the ones I played to death, etc.
- Syracuse, NY –Purple Rain Tour (March 1985)
My first enchantment, what a show. A virtually non-stop explosion of energy on the stage, a modern day Mozart who shows he’s in full control of his music and band. The most important: Purple Rain, so much passion and emotion in his guitar playing. I was 19 years old and hooked for life.
- Trojan Horse Aftershow, The Hague/NL (August 1988)
Well….what can I say that hasn’t been said before. But still: relaxed show, good sound quality, Just My Imagination: his entire heart and soul translated into sound…electrically magnified, that is. Prince shows off (almost) all of his versatility: blues, funk, rock, ballad, soul. Glorious! Knock…knock…who’s there! Unfortunately not me!
- SOTT movie film (1987)
Yes it is tightly directed and mixed, but it still is a beautiful show. The joy is all over the place. Sheila E in optima forma….not bad for girl!
- From Dusk Till Dawn, Montreux (July 2009)
The way I like to see Prince, primarily playing his guitar! Tough solos, piercing high notes and 1 of my favorite covers: Stratus!!
- Columbia Controversy Tour (1981)
Early Prince, vulgar…playful…very bashful and a huge show-off! Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad… Bitch! You’d better get that off your chest!
- Boston Metro (1986)
I only recently discovered this show (as in this year) but was immediately smitten with A Love Bizarre/Holly Rock/Take your dead ass home! Tight funk, 1 base on which everyone just jams and is seemingly having a lot of fun (making music because they can, not because they have to). It really gives me a huge funky frown!
- The Avenue/Rainmaker (August 1983)
If Syracuse is at number 1, this one has to be part of this list as well! The early beginnings on the way to mega stardom! Electric Intercourse makes quite an impression, the sorrow of an unrequited love, with Prince trying to persuade in Technicolor Climax! Sensitive singing kind of mystifies it, but how great it is due to the sordidness.
- Lovesexy Live Concert DVD (1988)
This Lovesexy concert is super tight from start to finish! I played this show to death! It almost seems he has too little time to show what he’s capable of, too much energy that has to be let go. Favo moment…piano medley: strange relationship…ship…ship!
- Miles from the Park (1987)
Prince & Miles Davis….need I say more?
- Montreux (15-7 2013)
Montreux 2013…quite a good streak of concerts, but the “guitar night” is the best of them all! Bambi… on repeat 10 times in a row!
- Hot Summer Night Ahoy (1998)
My very first live show! I started in quite a year, with Prince coming to The Netherlands twice in a very short time! Waiting a long time, funnily nervous with Edward to my first time Prince live! What an experience and such a pity that you can never witness another show anymore, without comparing and concluding there is no other that delivers the way he does .
- R U Gonna Go My Way (1998)
Oh yes…the 3rd time in 1 year seeing Prince live and this time my first aftershow! Party like it’s 1998!
- Live at the Aladdin Las Vegas (2002)
How can anyone release a live DVD with such a bad image quality… well, luckily it’s about the sound and that is great! Especially Everlasting now…Prince funk at its zenith!
- Rave Un2 the Year 2000 (1999)
This concert is special to me, primarily because of the songs with Lenny Kravitz, great to see how two giants enjoy each other’s playing. Still, Prince seems to say: “nice solo, but now it’s my turn” and shows there can only be 1 who’s best. Also a great tribute to Jimi with a beautiful Purple House.
- Hit and Run PT2 Amsterdam (2014)
unaware that it would be the last time…. At first not going, then going but no golden circle…then going and golden circle! Great show, with a couple of great versions of the classics. Maybe it’s not the best/most special show to the diehard fan, but it certainly is memorable now is a sad way. Little did we know….
Prince – Rotterdam We Come 2 Jam – Bootleg
Vincent’s top 25 Prince live bootlegs
- Small club
The ultimate bootleg for every fan! Excellent recording straight from the soundboard. Particularly Prince’s solos during Just My Imagination and Down Home Blues are world class. The solo in Just My Imagination is continually built from a quiet to a roaring guitar at the end.
- Flesh for fantasy
A live version of the Purple Rain concert in Syracuse which was broadcast on TV. As a young Prince fan, I was up all night (bringing my mattress to the living room) for “Rockpalast” that broadcast the show live, including the support act, Sheila E. I think it’s one of his very best shows ever. The energy Prince uses to entertain his audience and earns his place among the greats, is impressive.
- Lovesexy 88
The concert that intrigues from start to finish. The Netherlands had just won the European championship football and that’s clearly audible. The only letdown is the Anna Stesia solo, when Prince’s guitar malfunctions and he whispers what to do next in his band members’ ears.
- First avenue 83
The concert where a number of songs for Purple Rain were recorded. The Purple Rain solo on the album is a note by note rendition of the way it was played this night. The bootleg contains another jewel that is one of the most beautiful songs Prince has ever written… Electric Intercourse.
- R u gonna go my way
The best aftershow I personally witnessed. Prince, Lenny Kravitz, Hans and Candy Dulfer, they were all on stage. At one time Hans Dulfer balanced his saxophone on his chin all around the stage, Prince following him with a big smile on his face…. I acquired 5 plectrums that night as I had seen Prince place them on his keyboard. A simple question to a roadie after the show and they were mine . Remarkable detail is thet there’s a theory about the announcement of the September 11 terrorist attacks. In one of his songs Prince sings Osama Bin Laden get ready to bomb!
- Houston 81
A perfect recording of a young Prince who plays the older stuff with abandon. For me, the version of Do Me, Baby is the highlight.
- Tokyo 1990
Once again a show that was broadcast on TV. The version of Bambi is sublime and shows, once again, how good Prince actually is on the guitar.
- This is what we do 2 have fun
The first aftershow I witnessed. Prince announced the show during the regular concert. The next day I was he only one in front of the local VVV to buy tickets. Even the cashier, who was a fan herself, was oblivious. After some persuasion she logged in and there they were, tickets in abundance. That night, many fans tried in vain to get tickets by the door. The Leidseplein square was packed.
- Purple finale
The last Purple Rain concert where Prince breaks his high E string during the solo of Purple Rain and keeps on playing as if nothing had happened. It is audible on the bootleg
- Rotterdam We Come 2 Jam
A very special bootleg to me because my girlfriend is on it. She was pulled on stage during the show and had to sing Rotterdam we come to jam. It didn’t go down well, at all. Without a monitor or ear plugs she couldn’t understand what she was singing, resulting in incomprehensible babbling . At times I tease her with it, but she immediately fires back…. “At least I got to stand on stage with Prince……” Touché.
- Septimo
Erwin pointed this one out to me on a Prince listening night, one of the best performances, Motherless Child, Prince fully immersing himself in the song … speechless!
- Neon rendevous
A rehearsal that gives insight into his drive and creativity. He can stay at the same song for a very long time and keep looking for new solos and riffs. Purple Rain is rechristened to Gotta Shake This Feeling Baby.
- Christmas in uptown
Another gem of a rehearsal. On this cd you can hear Prince instructing Lisa how to play the chords to Another Lonely Christmas. You can follow the song’s evolvement from simple chords to a beautiful version complete with all kinds of embellishments.
- North sea nights (3 days)
Despite the bad sound at the (first) show, the bootleg is surprisingly good. 3 completely different shows, the absolute highlight being a rare version of Girl. And, a guest performance by Seal during Mountains that Prince himself seems eager to cut short, because he takes the microphone back from Seal very quickly and Seal disappears quietly…
- Let the games begin
An aftershow at Camden Palace with a great version of The Ride. During the solo Prince tweaks his amplifier to make his guitar talk even more.
- Prince & 3rd Eye Girl – Paradiso
The last show Prince would ever play at Paradiso. The band isn’t his best, but the show is filled with rock and guitar music. For me personally, Prince is at his best at those times.
- Prince – 2014-05-25 – Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
The last show I witnessed Prince live, the loss remains huge…. R.I.P.
- Lovesexy tour rehearsals volume 1
A soundboard rehearsal that’s once again a testament to his perfection. On the 3rd cd Prince plays the Anna Stesia solo that was sadly left out the Dortmund show.
- Montreux 2009
Once again, one of the best shows Prince ever did. A great version of Litte Red Corvette, lots of guitar and a band leader who is into it! A small highlight is the great drum solo by John Blackwell.
- R u experienced (also known as Interactive Night)
I stumbled upon this great concert while on holiday in Germany. At that time Prince is also experimenting with multimedia and internet and releases a game that contains the opening song: Interactive. My favorite is the Shhh solo.
- Rock over Germany
Nice bootleg with live hits. My personal highlight is the solo during She’s Always In My Hair. At the time the show was partially broadcast on MTV as part of the Coca Cola Report.
- Funk school Rotterdam
Nice bootleg, great recording quality. Even contains the soundcheck.
- Purple Rush rehearsals
Nice cd’s filled with rehearsals for the Purple Rain Tour.
- City lights Detroit/Providence
Soundboard recording of the 1999 Tour. A great version of Do Me, Baby! Once again a must-have for your collection
- Trans4mation
The last live bootleg ever by Prince, he dies a week later, R.I.P.
This brings an end to a huge amount of bootlegs that are in circulation. Some of good quality and some are absolute stinkers, yet they were always worth the time.
In closing
Prince – Piano & A Microphone 1983 – Bootleg releases
We had a great time compiling this list. Of course we are curious about reactions, remarks, compliments and the inevitable insults . Use the comment form at the bottom of this article and get in touch. It truly is highly appreciated!
We have plans to publish more of this kind of articles in the future. Should you have wishes or suggestions, we’d love to hear them. Please be so kind as to report them by clicking the mail icon on the A Pop Life Panel page.
This story contains an accompanying video. Click on the following link to see it: Video: Prince – The 25 best live bootlegs!. The A Pop Life playlist on Spotify has been updated as well.
All article content: /, except:
Prince – Lovesexy – Live bootlegs image:
Prince – City Lights – Bootleg image:
NPGMC Logo image:
Prince – Small Club 2nd Show That Night – Bootleg image:
Hamish Whitta – Prince 50 Essential Bootlegs image:
Prince – City Lights Remastered & Extended Vol. 2 – Bootleg image
Prince – Flesh For Fantasy – Bootleg image
Prince – Boston Metro – Bootleg image
Prince – Piano & A Microphone 1983 – Bootleg releases image
All other top 25 images & the Uptown magazine bootleg issues image: Edward
A Pop Life does not sell or distribute bootlegs and in no way advertises them. A Pop Life has no information regarding the availability of the named titles. Also, A Pop Life does not deliver music coming from these bootlegs.
A Pop Life has no relationship to Prince and/or the Prince Estate and its companies.
Requests for information about acquiring the titles mentioned and/or to make them available will be ignored.
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Great description and info! Thanks!
Thank you for your reply! Very much appreciated!!
Just stumbled across this while I was looking for something list. Great list and article – agree with you guys 100%
Hi Hamish, great to hear from you once again! Thank you so much for your reply!
thanks gasten! Zitten wel wat dingen bij voor op m’n “want list”. *gaat op zoek
Graag gedaan! Veel plezier met luisteren!!
Geweldige recentie over Prince’s bootlegs.
Dank je wel, zie ook de Nederlandse vertaling.
Thank you, also see the Dutch translation.
just came across this website i was wondering what is your prices on the live shows
As stated in the article:
A Pop Life does not sell or distribute bootlegs and in no way advertises them. A Pop Life has no information regarding the availability of the named titles. Also, A Pop Life does not deliver music coming from these bootlegs.
A Pop Life has no relationship to Prince and/or the Prince Estate and its companies.
Requests for information about acquiring the titles mentioned and/or to make them available will be ignored.
I’m just coming across this now. Thanks for putting together the list! Really appreciate it! It’s made me want to organize a list of my own. If people only listen to official releases, you’ve only heard half of the story of Prince. The bootleg catalog, the live recordings, make him even more legendary. I wonder, where would you rank recordings like Small Club and Syracuse if ranking bootlegs and official releases together. For me, these two are above official albums like Parade, Lovesexy, and Diamonds and Pearls.
Totally agree about the live shows during 1994/1995. This may have been Prince’s best band. Definitely the funkiest. Plus he was doing so many club shows in Europe, shows at Paisley Park, and the Glam Slam shows. I listen to these shows all the time.
High up on my list, but I don’t see it on yours are the Sign Of The Times rehearsals. Now’s The Time. Incredible versions of the songs, especially The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I think that around the time of compiling this list the SOTT rehearsals had just been released, I’m not sure though.
Zo’n heerlijk gevoel om dit te lezen. Luister naar Prince sinds 1985, juist na Purple Rain. Fan vooral van de jaren 80 en 90. De laatste tijd steeds meer op zoek naar dingen van hem en sta verbaasd over hoeveel er is, en hoe goed het allemaal klinkt. Bedankt voor jullie werk. Mede dankzij jullie houden we Prince’s zijn muziek levend.
Dankjewel voor je reactie. Ik zorg ervoor dat iedereen die aan het artikel heeft meegewerkt deze melding ontvangt!