Tag: Nick Cave

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Nick Cave, 05/17/2015

Nick Cave 05/17/2015 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4½/5: Nick Cave solo, second evening: it is and remains impressive what this man lays down each and every time: stunning!

Nick Cave, 05/16/2015

Nick Cave 05/16/2015 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4½/5: Nick Cave solo, or Nick Cave with a smaller version of The Bad Seeds. At a dignified seated theater. Fantastic experience! A more than excellent concert which shows (once again) how urgent, vital and stunningly good Nick Cave still is.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, 11/17/2013

Nick Cave 11/17/2013 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

4½/5: Following the stunningly good concert of 11/04/2013, I immediately tried getting tickets for this evening, which, miraculously, was successful. Blown away, once again!

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, 11/04/2013

Nick Cave 11/04/2013 concert ticket (apoplife.nl)

5/5: It had been 24 years since I had last seen Nick Cave. Nothing could have prepared me for this show. I was completely blown away. Impressive!

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, 10/18/1988

No ticket (apoplife.nl)

3½/5: Good show by Nick Cave. Back then The Bad Seeds were still possessed. Exciting show.